Cell Phones Can Cause Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s, a terrible and relentless disease in which a person slowly forgets everything about himself and his personality, affects millions of elderly people today. According to a new study, Alzheimer’s cases seem to increase in the coming years due to cell phone use.

It is the most well-known type of dementia that begins with age and causes cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s diseaseIt is considered to be one of the most dreadful diseases, as it has no cure and limits many of a person’s abilities. Although it is not known for certain what causes Alzheimer’s, many scientists believe that Alzheimer’s from excessive calcium deposits thinks it’s caused.

If a new study mobile phonessuggests that it may lead to Alzheimer’s. In the research in question, mobile phones to calcium deposition may cause is alleged.

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According to the study, emitted from mobile phones electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can cause calcium deposits in the brain or further exacerbate existing deposits. may worsen is stated. The animal models created within the scope of the study also support this theory. supports looks like.

on the subject Martin Pall, author of the study, of Washington State University, said in a statement. “EMFs act via peak electric and time-varying magnetic forces on a nanosecond time scale. any of these, very early onset Alzheimer’s Having the disease can cause the ultimate nightmare,” saves as.

In the press release regarding the research, Pall’s words are conveyed in a much harsher language. Accordingly, in the press release, “Very young people exposed to cell phone or Wi-Fi radiation for hours a day digital dementia can improve” statements are included.

Alzheimer’s cases expected to be twice as high by 2050


According to the Alzheimer’s Association, only those 65 and older in America more than 6.5 million The person lives with the reality of Alzheimer’s. While 73 percent of these are individuals aged 75 years and older, the number of Alzheimer’s diagnoses increases each year much more strongly than before. increasing.

By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and over with Alzheimer’s will nearly double in the United States. to 13 million It is expected that this number will reach almost twice what it is today, clearly showing how dire the situation has reached.


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And this isn’t the first time EMFs have been associated with health problems. Although the National Cancer Institute says any link between EMFs and cancer is unlikely and normal amounts of EMFs don’t affect humans, Healthline; EMFs, including irritability, headaches, insomnia, and other related symptoms with many common health problems states that it is related.

With all this, it seems unlikely at the moment to comment on the certainty of any connection between Alzheimer’s and cell phones. However, research, especially the use of mobile devices, how common it is Given this, it is highly enough to raise the curiosity that more research is needed investigating this relationship.

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