Can You Recognize These Characters With Their Silhouette and A Few Clues?

How much do you trust your movie character memory? This quiz just asks you to get to know the character with the silhouette and a few clues. Then let’s get started.

In the world of cinema, there are characters that we will remember from the smallest point. Even though we don’t see their images, we can even tell us their faces that are created in white on a black background. it may sound familiar. Can you get to know them by listening to them in their own words?

Today we have prepared a test for you to see how much you have mastered the world of cinema. In this test the image we give as a face and from the character’s own mouth to introduce himself You will try to find out who it is by looking at it. Then let’s move on to this fun quiz.

How many of these movie characters will you be able to recognize from their faces and their introductions?

I am the youngest son of a family of 7 children. While my father works in the government office, my mother works as a housewife. Although we are not very rich, I can say that we are a happy family. I have two friends with whom I am very close. I am happy to read and go on adventures with them.

a) Edmund Pevensie

B) Ron Weasley

C) Number Five

D) Neville Longbottom

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I am a princess. My love is so great that perhaps I have sacrificed more than anyone else. Even though I die alone in the end, I chose this life I live.

Who am I test?

a) Maleficent

B) Daenerys Targaryen

C) Arwen

D) Galadriel

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For many years I was cursed by something bad. Just when I was freed from the curse, I was shot and killed by my opponent. But I came back from the dead. Because I still had so much to do.

Who am I test?

a) Dartanyan

B) Darth Vader

C) Marty McFly

D) Hector Barbossa

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I can say that I am an extremely good fighter. I taught these skills to two other people. I can’t say that both of them are on the right path, but I can say that they are very strong.

Who am I test?

a) Sir Jorah Mormont

B) Aragorn

C) Obi-Wan Kenobi

D) Professor Dumbledore

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My life has been difficult. I went through many battles and was trained to be a super soldier. There’s not a lot of places I can’t go in and out of. I do not hesitate to sacrifice my life for the ones I love.

Who am I test?

a) Black Widow

B) Eowyn

C) Scarlet Witch

D) Wasp

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Everyone thinks I’m a bad person. Yes, maybe I am a bad person, but have you ever thought about the reasons for this? Society is the reason why I’m a bad person in this tough world. The evils of people made me this way.

Who am I test?

a) Thanos

B) Joker

C) Two-Face

D) Darth Vader

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Everything is in the details. Since childhood, I have been a more careful person than other people. I can analyze the person or event in front of me very well and reach the facts.

Who am I test?

a) James Bond

B) Sherlock Holmes

C) Lara Croft

D) Indiana Jones

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Family is very important. I’m in the olive oil business. I’m usually someone who makes sensible decisions and offers they can’t refuse.

Who am I test?

a) Vito Corleone

B) Travis Bickie

C) Jimmy Dimmick

D) Mr. white

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How Many Will You Make in This Challenging Game of Thrones Quiz?

Do you think I’m not real? I am real. I formed a group with a close friend like myself. The first rule of this group is not to talk about this rule.

Who am I test?

a) John Doe

B) Tyler Durden

C) Hannibal Lecter

D) Will Graham

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Award-Winning Quiz: How Many Will You Make in This Challenging Harry Potter Quiz?

I am not one of the sleepers. I am someone who wakes up and struggles with this. While doing this, instead of forcing people, I explain the truth and offer them options. I also have round glasses that identify with me.

Who am I test?

a) What is that

B) Jules Winnfield

C) Morpheus

D) Nick Fury

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