Can life be found in space? The researcher gave the date

Astronomers researching alien life found with the James Webb Space Telescope exoplanets draws attention to its presence. Swiss astrophysicist Sascha Quanz is on one of the exoplanets discovered by James Webb. in 25 years He thinks alien life may be found.

Aliens outside the Solar System could emerge in 25 years

ETH Zurich researcher Sascha Quanz emphasized life outside the Solar System. Stating that they are very close to catching evidence of life outside of our Solar System, Quanz said that More than 5000 exoplanets He thinks it’s an important piece of evidence.

Drawing attention to the success of James Webb in particular, the Swiss astrophysicist said, “There are no guarantees for success. We may find life outside the Solar System in 25 years. We will learn other things along the way.” He also said that they were closely investigating the exoplanet discovered by James Webb.

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According to the details known to date, in the Milky Way galaxy over 100 billion stars and each is accompanied by at least one planet. Although there are hundreds of exoplanets waiting to be discovered, many of them are thought to not meet the living conditions.

Emphasizing that exoplanets should be investigated, Quanz said, The 25-year forecast is unrealistic. did not hesitate to mention. However, it should be noted that no previous researcher has given a clear date.

Sascha Quanz also referred to the Webb telescope’s HIP 65426 images. She said that hip 65426 is a gas giant planet orbiting very far from the star.

So what do you think about life in space? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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