Buildings Can Be Protected From Earthquake With Balls

A new study by researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has revealed that buildings can be protected from earthquakes with objects such as balls and cylinders. In the first experiment, tennis balls were used and the result was successful.

Especially in countries such as Turkey, which is located in the seismic belt, earthquakes, an inevitable fact of our life in case. Although we cannot predict when earthquakes will occur, the mobility and condition of fault lines can give clues about future earthquakes. Our biggest task is to be prepared for earthquakes.

Today, many developed countries adopt the seismic isolation system to prevent structures from collapsing in an earthquake. However, adding these systems to structures is very expensive. So much so that just adding this system to the structure can increase the cost of the structure by 20%. In the past days, it can be an alternative to these expensive systems. a new seismic isolation method was put forth.

Balls can be placed between the building and the ground

Earthquake engineer Michalis Vassiliou at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and his team developed a seismic isolation method that reduces the shaking of buildings during an earthquake. Under this method, the building with a layer of spheres or cylinders leaving the ground. Responding to wobbles by rolling, the spheres and cylinders transform the jerk into a gentle rocking motion and use friction to further reduce this wobble.

This method was actually used in the Peruvian pyramids, which were built 5,000 years ago. To make this system more modern, the researchers in the study injected a cement-like mixture into hundreds of now recycled tennis balls. sandwiched between two concrete slabs from four padded tennis balls Researchers, who built a prototype consisting of This value is twice as much as the support offered by insulation systems in single-storey houses.


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Jian Zhang, an engineer from the University of California, who was not involved in the research, said in a statement about the new method that the study was valuable. Your next steps creation of larger prototypes Zhang stated that such systems can also be used in ordinary construction insulation. Vassiliou, the head of the research, also announced that he received funding to test the system in the field.

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