BRSA Filed Criminal Complaints Against 26 Persons

BRSA shared a longer list in the evening than it shared today. The justification of the institution, which filed a criminal complaint against those on the list, was “posts that manipulated dry”.

Today Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) We shared with you the 5 people that he filed a criminal complaint against. This is because the people in question “No intentional cause or dissemination of false news that may discredit or damage a bank’s reputation or wealthIt was the economic comments that went against the article “.

The institution has recently published another list. The BRSA, which also filed a criminal complaint against those whose names are included in this list, which includes the names we shared before, cited “posts aimed at manipulating exchange rate movements” as the reason.

Many criminal charges have been filed against users who “manipulate” currency movements:

Source :,1003877

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