Bitcoin Supporter Crisis Oracle Announces the Asset He Calls “The Best”!

Robert Kiyosaki, renowned author of the personal finance bestseller “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and Bitcoin advocate, has revived interest in silver by highlighting its potential as a valuable investment despite ongoing concerns about the seemingly unlimited supply of mined precious metals. Here are the details…

Silver statement from Bitcoin supporter Kiyosaki

In a recent social media post, Kiyosaki emphasized silver’s unique position as not only a precious metal but also an “industrial and strategic metal.” He pointed out that the demand for silver has increased, fueled by the ongoing geopolitical turmoil around the world. This perspective adds a new layer to the traditional view that silver is merely an inflation hedge. Tesla’s latest move to secure rights to several silver mines further strengthens Kiyosaki’s claim.

The electric vehicle (EV) giant’s dependence on silver for production is notable. Because it underlines the increasing demand for metal in the developing technology sector. While Kiyosaki seems optimistic about silver’s future, it’s important to consider the current price point. As of today, March 20, 2024, one kilogram of silver is worth $798.62, almost half of the all-time high of $1,589.85 reached in January 1980. This significant discount could be attractive to investors looking for an entry point, according to Kiyosaki.

What’s the latest on the price?

Viewed from another perspective, the price per ounce paints a slightly different picture. Currently, silver is at $24.81, down slightly on the day. However, it has been trending positively over the past week (2.44%) and month (7.88%). Kiyosaki’s assessment is justified. Silver’s affordability and increasing importance in both technology and traditional industries make a compelling case for silver’s potential future growth. The possibility of doubling prices as Kiyosaki suggests is not out of the question.

But there is a very important caveat: Investing inherently carries risk. Thorough research is essential before allocating a significant portion of your portfolio to any asset. This doesn’t just apply to silver. Because it also applies to other assets such as Bitcoin (BTC), which Kiyosaki advocates. Investors should consider factors such as their risk tolerance, investment objectives, and overall portfolio diversity before making any investment decisions. In conclusion, according to Kiyosaki, silver’s potential seems bright. However, in the ever-evolving world of finance, a measured and informed approach is always necessary.

Kiyosaki’s “prophecies”

Robert Kiyosaki draws attention as the author of the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and as an investor. In particular, he made many predictions regarding financial markets. It is important to examine some past predictions and their degree of realization. Because it gives an idea about Kiyosaki’s predictions and investment recommendations.

Institutional Money from Ethereum and These 2 Coins Flowed to These 5 Coins! As we reported, Kiyosaki claimed that there would be a housing bubble in the USA in 2008. He was one of those who correctly predicted that the financial crisis would then break out. In the early 2000s, he warned about rising debt and ballooning real estate prices in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and on other platforms. In addition, Kiyosaki has been arguing for a long time that gold and silver prices will rise. Since the early 2000s, he has been promoting including these precious metals in his investment portfolio as a hedge against fiat currencies.

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