Binance Made the Announcement for 10 Altcoins: “Risk Is Increasing, You Should Be Careful!”

cryptocurrency exchange Binanceannounced today that ANT, FIRO, KP3R, MDX, MOB, REEF, VAI, XMR, ZEC and ZEN tokens have been included in the “Tracking Tag”.

According to the exchange, the tokens in question tend to have higher volatility and risk compared to other tokens in the same category. This is the primary reason why they receive the “Tracking Label”.

As reported, the stock exchange’s next move may be to delist the tokens in question. However, he underlined that he could remove the tag if he detects an improvement after monitoring the Binance tokens. For this, details such as improved development activities, transaction volume and liquidity are primarily needed.

Beyond this, Binance will also evaluate a network’s smart contract stability, level of public communication, response to periodic due diligence requests, evidence of unethical/fraudulent behavior or negligence, and contribution to a healthy and sustainable crypto ecosystem.

Traders have to solve short tests that will be sent by Binance before trading the tokens in question.

A striking detail in the same announcement was that it removed the Seed Label from two crypto assets, GMX (GMX) and SushiSwap (SUSHI).

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