Binance BNB Launches New Futures Index Including DOGE and MASK

Binance, the world’s largest exchange, announced that a new futures index called “Bluebird” will be available to users from today.

In a statement made by Binance on November 2,Binance Coin(BNB), Dogecoin(DOGE) and Mask Network (MASK) a single index of futures From 15:00 CEST today It will be released on the market from now on.

BLUEBIRD/USDT This index, which will take its place in the markets with the futures pair, was released after Elon Musk bought Twitter. up-performing consists of cryptocurrencies. Starting price $ 10 The new futures pair that will be indexed to market value will be positioned.

Calculation of the new futures index with a formula using the weighted averages of the real-time prices of 3 different cryptocurrencies and in USDT parity. It is intended to provide transaction opportunities. 25xThis new futures index will be offered with up to . It will be listed at 15:00 CEST today.

via Binance 20% You can sign up here for discounted transactions.

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