Battle Teams 2 Beta Test Started in Turkey!

Battle Teams 2, with its different game modes, equally competitive game environment and 100% Turkish content, started beta testing in Turkey as of April 27.

Game lovers looking for free FPS games will find new flavors. of Battle Teams 2 public beta has started in Turkey. Battle Teams 2 invites players to its world full of action and excitement with its many game modes and different characters. Battle Teams 2, 24-inch 165 Hz monitor, which you can download from this link during the beta, Razer Blackwidow V3Logitech G435 and 300 TL Amazon coupons are also holding a raffle where you can win.

Completely free to play Battle Teams 2In addition to game modes such as Team Battle and Bomb Disposal found in many FPS games, it also hosts unique game modes. Let’s get to know Battle Teams 2 closely:

Is Battle Teams 2 “pay to win”?

“which alienates many players from free games”pay to win” system is not included in Battle Teams 2, according to the developer team’s statement. The game brings the players against each other in an equal environment by highlighting the talent.

Game modes:

Team Battle:

In this game mode, where teams of 5 players face each other, the team that reaches a certain amount of time or a certain kill wins the game. If the targeted kill is not achieved within the specified time, the team with the highest kill will be winner of the game is happening.

Bomb Disposal:

In this 5v5 game mode, one team is attacking and the other team is defending. Total of 7 rounds The team that wins the most rounds in the game mode wins the match.

Battle Royale:

Battle Royale game mode, 64 players puts it on a single map. In the game mode, which consists of teams of four and a total of 16 teams compete, the last team standing is the winner of the match. Players entering the game one random skill he chooses.


Battle Teams 2

In this game mode consisting of 24 players, 5 players randomly turn into Mutants. Mutants are fighting against humans and the game continues until there are no Mutants left or until everyone is a Mutant.

Big head:

In this game mode where 20 players are divided into two teams, players earn points for each enemy they kill. When you reach a certain score To the Big Head Hero transforms and these players can one-shot their opponents. There can be more than one Big Head Hero on the map.

Characters in the game:

Battle Teams 2

Battle Teams 2 with 3 Big Head Heroes for now 8 in total to different character is hosting. Standard game modes can be played with She-Panda, Hannya, Alpha Wolf, Fearless and Iron Claw, while Big Head game mode features Archaeologist Archi, Firefighter Fox and Siberian Husky. Many different characters and Big Head versions will be added to the game in the coming periods.

Battle Teams 2

Battle Teams 2

Weapons in the game:

Battle Teams 2

Battle Teams 2 has 9 assault rifles, 5 sniper rifles, 3 sniper rifles, 4 light machine guns, 3 pump guns, 3 machine guns, 5 pistols and 4 different knives during the test period. Different with the opening weapon alternatives will also be added to the game.

You can click this link to download the game from its website, Instagram and twitter You can follow the announcements from their accounts, and you can reach the community about the game at Discord.

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