Average Price of 1 Week Vacation in Turkey Announced

President of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB), Firuz Bağlıkaya, explained how much money a family of two should spend in order to have a one-week vacation in Turkey. According to the statement, taking a vacation this summer will probably not be easy for anyone.

The high inflation we feel moment by moment continues to tie our hands in all kinds of expenditures. The clearest indication of this is that of anything we want to buy, especially food. of the price increasing regularly every month. We do not know how we will overcome this critical problem, but the latest statements made, It won’t be easy for any of us to take a vacation this summer. it reveals.

President of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB) Firuz Baglikayamade remarkable statements in an interview with Bloomberg HT. Stating that they do not expect a tourism record in the coming months, Bağlıkaya also explained the average cost of a week for a family of two when they go on vacation this summer. According to the statement, the cost of a family of two to spend a week’s holiday in a five-star hotel, 20-25 thousand liras it will be.

Take a vacation for a week, pay off your debt for 2 years…

There is another point that draws attention in the statements made by Firuz Bağlıkaya. A private bank collaborated with TÜRSAB to provide convenience(!) to holidaymakers. agreement has done. This agreement allows citizens who will go on holiday to pay their expenses in installments for 24 months. According to the agreement made within the scope of the holiday loan, the citizens who wish can cover their holiday expenses between 500 and 50 thousand TL. They will be able to pay in 24 months with 0% interest.. Yes, you will be able to pay the debt of your 1-week vacation in 2 years…


The World’s Best Hotels Announced: There Are 2 Hotels From Turkey In The Top 10!

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