Arthur Hayes Announces His Favorite Altcoin That Will Make Bitcoin Bull Rich!

Former Bitmex CEO Arthur Hayes announced his favorite altcoin in his latest article and shared the key points about the upcoming rise in the cryptocurrency market.

Arthur Hayes, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies In his last article titled “Double Happiness” published about Filecoin (FIL) he pointed out. Increasing demand specifically for artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies your trend at the end of the day Filecoin 2021 Stating that it will exceed its all-time high in 2019, Hayes stated that the in the formula shared.

An experienced name that highlights cryptocurrency liquidity and technology factors in its formula, favorite cryptocurrency for FIL denoted as $238 level It implied an upward trend towards .

Not just for FIL but for the entire cryptocurrency industry rise Hayes, who expresses his expectations in every article he writes, foresees a chaos that will be experienced especially in the US economy.

In this latest article, the former CEO also explains that treasury bond yields rising like an avalanche He argued that this situation would result in the USA providing liquidity to the markets again. Hayes stated that printing money to prevent a larger banking crisis and save the economy will trigger the rise for Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market.

According to CoinGecko data, in the last 24 hours 1.2% devalued FIL, at the time of writing from $3.27 finds buyers.

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