Artemis, the manned mission to the Moon, has been delayed!

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)has intensified its work on Artemis, its long-term project that aims to send human beings to the Moon. Initially, the project was intended to last for 6 years. These expeditions 2028 NASA, which wants to complete the project until the end of the year, pushed its target 4 years earlier with the pressures of the President of the time, Donald Trump. in 2024 He would make the first human landing on the moon. However, it seems that these targets were not met.

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Man’s moon landing delayed to 2025

The possibility of delaying the manned landing on the moon in 2024 gave its first signals last November. NASA administrator at the time Bill Nelson financially by 2024 that it is not possible He stated that this task could be postponed again. Since they could not get the necessary funding support, he put a significant part of the blame on Congress. In addition, the post at that time was subject to a number of complaints.

Competitor to improve NASA’s landing system SpaceXHe faced accusations that the selection process was unfair. Founder of Amazon who made the accusation Jeff Bezos‘Fame Blue Origin was his company. But Blue Origin had lost its legal battle. After all these setbacks, the project of making a manned landing on the moon in 2024, which is already a difficult target, has been officially announced. 2025 postponed to the next year. Administrator Bill Nelson made a series of statements on the subject from the NASA official site.

We are pleased that the US Federal Court of Claims has thoroughly evaluated the resource selection process for NASA’s human landing system (HLS) and have already resumed discussions with SpaceX. It’s clear that we’re both eager to get back to working together and create a new timeline for our first lunar demonstration missions. Returning to the Moon as quickly and safely as possible is a top priority for a NASA. However, with the recent case and other factors, the first human landing under Artemis will likely happen no earlier than 2025. Looking forward, NASA plans at least 10 Moon landings in the future, and the agency needs significant increases in funding for its future land contest, starting with its 2023 budget.

Artemis 1is a pioneer for other steps. This is the first step Artemis 2 A crewed pre-flight to lunar orbit with the program will be carried out to test rockets and systems. If the second step is also successful, it will be postponed to 2025. Artemis 3 with a crewed landing on the lunar surface.

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