Apps Pet Owners Should Download

Our phones are full of mobile applications that we download for ourselves. But what about our pets? Yes, you heard right. There are many mobile apps that pet owners can download! We have compiled 7 of them for you.

We want to fully meet every need of our paw, beak and gill friends with whom we share our lives. Let them live in the house without paying rent, we will even buy the property for them… However, there is no need to raise the bar so high to show that we care about them. Which we will talk about shortly, With mobile applications that pet owners must download You can meet many of your needs with just one click!

It will meet many of your needs, from an application where you can instantly contact veterinary services to vaccination reminders, Mobile apps you should download as a pet owner Let’s start examining.

Apps that pet owners should definitely download:

  • petopy
  • Meow Cat Game
  • My PetReport
  • Pet First Aid
  • Cat Alone
  • Human-to-Cat Translator
  • AqDiary

Brings veterinary service to your phone: Petopy

  • Developer: Petopy Technology and Trade Joint Stock Company
  • Rating: 4.0 stars
  • Downloads: 50 K+

Petopy, the first mobile application that pet owners should download, is designed for the friends we live with. a digital assistant. We can monitor our children’s health through the application and contact veterinarians whenever we need expert support.

You know that no pet wants to go to the vet, they will be under great stress the moment they enter the door. Petopy also prevents this problem and directing physicians to the home It allows routine maintenance to be carried out stress-free.

When you are too busy to spare time for your little friend, Meow Cat Game comes to your aid.

cat game

  • Developer: Gameville Studio
  • Rating: 4.3 stars
  • Number of downloads: 1M+

Of course, it is very important that we socialize with the creatures we share our home with. Imagine, His whole world depends on you and the space he is in. It’s just! That’s why you need to pet it, comb it, play with it, but we can’t always find time for this.

When he looks at you with innocent eyes that show that he wants to play, putting a tablet or phone in front of him, like today’s children, can sometimes be an effective solution. If your friend can detect the screen, download Meow Cat Game; an animal he/she would enjoy playing with Choose (bug, snake, worm, etc.) and let them enjoy!

You can easily follow your best friend’s vaccination schedule with PetsReport.

app for pets

  • Developer: Glue Valley
  • Rating: 4.7 stars
  • Downloads: 5K+

Especially if you do not stay at a single veterinarian, if you need to get the vaccine from time to time in a different place, or if you do the parasite vaccine yourself at home, the vaccination days may be confused. PetCarnem offers mobile report card It allows you to easily track your vaccination. You can even set a reminder for vaccination time.

Consider an application that does not cause panic in emergency situations: Pet First Aid

mobile application

  • Developer: American Red Cross
  • Rating: 4.5 stars
  • Downloads: 100K+

Another application that pet owners should definitely download is Pet First Aid because In the slightest problem with the animals we take care of, We can panic. If you are one of the worried parents who panic when your pet child sneezes twice in a row, you can take a look at Pets First Aid.

Application that provides veterinary advice for common emergencies, not only for our friends with whom we share our home, It may also be useful for our lives living on the streets.

Another application that will not give your cat the opportunity to get bored: Cat Alone

cat phone game

  • Developer: GALBRO INC.
  • Rating: 4.1 stars
  • Downloads: 10M+

Cat Alone is a mobile application that pet owners must download, featuring tiny creatures that your cat can play with. For many cats play a game, It’s one of the things they enjoy most in their lives.

After downloading the mobile application, open it and place it in front of you. Let’s see your cat Game consisting of 8 stages One of the cats that can complete the game or the innocent ones that don’t even have the perception of a screen yet?

Note: While I am currently writing this content, my cat is trying to catch insects from the “Cat Alone” mobile application. 🙂

There’s even an app you can use to talk to your pet: Human-to-Cat Translator

cat translation

  • Developer: Electric French Fries
  • Rating: 4.8 stars
  • Downloads: 34 Mn+

If you’ve shared many years with a cat, you’ve probably now reached a level where you can understand what they mean by meowing. But if you have not yet fully developed your communication skills with cats mobile application that will allow you to talk to them You can download!

A must download for pet owners Human-to-Cat-Translator mobile application offers predictions about what your cat means based on its meowing tone, thanks to 175 different meowing options compiled from 25 different cats.

When it comes to pets, cats and dogs always come to mind, but we did not forget the application for fish owners: AqDiary.


  • Developer: Oliver Mihatsch
  • Rating: 4.3 stars
  • Downloads: 10 K+

Taking care of large aquariums is not easy. Those who keep fish already know; There are many tasks that need to be done such as water change, food tracking, cleaning time, engine control, water values. AqDiary performs all these tasks. without you having to think reminds me.

But it is worth noting this. Fishes; It must live in vast oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. By separating them from their natural areas, producing and purchasing them, and on top of that, put in aquariums surrounded by four sides It’s not a very ethical situation.

All these mobile applications that we put together, For you as a pet owner and for your friend whose every need you want to meet. It is quite functional. If there are any mobile applications you use or plan to use, we will be waiting with curiosity in the comments!

Don’t forget to check out our other animal-related content:


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