Apple Shuts Down Beeper Mini, Which Brings iMessage to Android

Apple seems to have shut down the Beeper Mini, which users liked very much as soon as it was released. The company’s first application, Beeper Cloud, was deemed insecure because it transmitted messages through a Mac server.

Apple’s very stable and trouble-free iMessage At this point, unfortunately, the service appears as a service that Android users watch by dipping their bread through the glass, so to speak. Many companies are releasing some applications that bring iMesssage to Android in order not to deprive Android users of this service.

However, these applications often connect to a Mac server and allow you to send messages through it. Well not directly to the service, you are connecting to a device that is connected to the service. The application, which eliminates this situation, experienced some problems last Friday and the company responded to the problem. sourced from apple It was said that it was.

Apple: We’ve blocked techniques that use fraudulent information to access iMessage.

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