Apple Plans to Spend Millions of Dollars on Artificial Intelligence

California-based technology company Apple has rolled up its sleeves for artificial intelligence. The company plans to work with giant news publishing companies.

Apple, which we have seen only one concrete initiative on artificial intelligence so far, recently machine learning framework introduced. Thanks to this framework, it can create efficient models and deep learning model libraries for Apple Silicon. For details of our news here You can click.

Nowadays, the company is taking another step to develop artificial intelligence models. giant news publishers He is going to make an agreement with. Accessing news archives and sharing with these news improve machine learning The company that wants it will spend millions of dollars.

Apple is said to be working with news publishing companies such as Condé Nast, NBC News and IAC.

The New York Times According to the news, Apple used the news to access the news archives of news publishing companies. $50 million He wants to reach an agreement. Moreover, it is said that this agreement will continue for many years. However, NYT does not take kindly to this incident. Because Apple’s use of the news in question means that publishers will carry will have problems due to legal responsibilities It is said that they will be in a difficult situation.

Although NYT did not respond positively to Apple’s offer, other giant companies responded to this offer. It is said that he looks warmly. Apple, which spends millions of dollars a day for artificial intelligence, OpenAI, Microsoft and Google It seems like he’s determined to catch up with giants like him.


It Was Revealed That Apple Spends “Millions of Dollars” Every Day on Artificial Intelligence Studies: More Powerful Artificial Intelligence is Coming from ChatGPT!

According to the information we have previously obtained, the company For a smarter Siri We reported that the work has started and the next iOS version will be much smarter than the previous versions. It is a matter of curiosity whether the company will make a broader move in artificial intelligence.


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