Apple Employee Fired for Raising Harassment Issues

Apple, which has recently come to the fore with its internal problems, especially with the #AppleToo movement, has made a move that will inflame the discussions. The employee who brought up the problems of harassment and sexism within the company was fired.

Giant companies such as Google, Apple, Facebook, giant campuses that look more like an amusement park than a remote office, astonishing salaries or offers to their employees. ‘with unlimited privileges’ Although they want to come to the fore, there are frequent developments that show that the inner side of the business is not quite like that.

The pressure, intense stress and unequal working conditions experienced by the employees working in these giant companies, from time to time, ‘painful’ agendas it creates. The last company to fall into the middle of such an agenda was Apple. Recently, with the ‘#AppleToo’ movement, company employees have experienced harassment, sexism, racism and inequality began to draw attention to the issues.

Apple said ‘the situation is being investigated and the necessary action is taken’:

Despite all these developments, the Apple did not provide a satisfactory explanation., said that when similar situations came to the fore in the past, the allegations were examined and the necessary action would be taken. But the complaints continued.

The last step taken by Apple after these developments is quite remarkable. #AppleToo Apple employee Ashley Gjovik, who participated in the movement and shared what happened to her on Twitter, and occasionally shared documents such as screenshots of the meetings and emails, was fired. If the reason for the situation ‘intellectual property infringement’ shown.

In the e-mail where the situation was reported, Apple stated that they wanted to meet with Gjovik. However, Gjovik said that all of the conversations would be used as part of an investigation carried out by the US National Labor Relations Board against Apple, and demanded that the whole process be carried out in writing via e-mail. Apple, which does not accept this, “chose not to participate in the discussion” He stated that the process will continue without Gjovik’s involvement.


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This step taken by Apple after the subject started to occupy a lot of space on the agenda quite significant. At the same time, Gjovik was put on administrative leave by Apple after he started talking about these issues a while ago.

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