Amazon Accidentally Releases NFT Plans via Email

CoinDesk, the platform that shares crypto money data and news, announced its new NFT plans on an e-mail sent by Silicon Valley giant Amazon to them.

Nikhilesh De, one of the editors of cryptocurrency data and news platform CoinDesk, received an official email from Amazon last Friday. On this e-mail, Amazon offers digital tokens and Existence of NFT gallery he accepted.

Oddly enough, that was not the purpose of this e-mail. Email of Nikhilesh De’s Amazon Prime Video subscription Sent after auto-renewal. Let’s take a look at what is written in the e-mail.

‘Your digital token is now in your gallery’

of Amazon to Web3 plans In this e-mail, which we took a small look at, it says exactly:

“Good news! Your order has been completed and your digital token is now in your gallery. Remember, you cannot put this token up for sale until it is unlocked. If your token is not unlocked within 72 hours, please contact Customer Service. Also, to be able to put an NFT up for sale, you must first log in as a seller.”


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Rumors have been swirling for weeks that Amazon plans to launch its own NFT marketplace soon, but the company has yet to talk about those plans. He did not make a formal statement to the public.. Therefore, this is thought to be an unintentional or accidental event.

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