All military operations gathered in e-Government! Here are the details

Since the first day it was opened, e-Government has become quite common in our country. So much so that there are many features that can be handled this way. The Ministry of National Defense gathered all procedures related to military service under one roof.

“My Soldier” integrated service launched via e-Government

The Ministry of National Defense announced that it has launched the “Askerlikım” integrated service, which enables citizens to do all their military service-related transactions in digital environments. The service can be accessed via e-Government. The Ministry made the following statements in a post on its Twitter account.

“My Military” integrated service was launched on the e-Government portal ( When our citizens log in to the ‘My Military Service’ tab on the e-Government portal, they will be automatically directed to the relevant section. In this context, it will be able to easily access all transactions including the periods of military service, roll call, summons and referral, active duty and reserve periods. With the said service, military-related works and transactions, covering the entire process, from our youth who have reached the age of military service to our citizens who have been discharged, will be able to be done through a single point in the digital environment.

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