All Announcements from Open AI’s First Developer Conference

Open AI’s first developer event is over. So, what statements did the company make at these events? Here are all the announcements made by Open AI at the DevDay event…

Open AI held its first developer conference last evening. “DevDayThe event named “” also hosted many important statements. With the statements made, the artificial intelligence giant plans for the future We learned.

Now with you, made by Open AI to all the explanations We will take a closer look.

Open AI will protect its customers against copyright lawsuits by:

The artificial intelligence industry often encounters problems due to the machine learning technique’s need for huge data. to copyright cases is hosting. We even reported some of the lawsuits filed against Open AI in the news we shared with you in the past. Some companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, Amazon and Getty Images, which develop artificial intelligence-oriented technologies, defend their customers against possible lawsuits. promised. Now Open AI has been added to these companies.

According to the statement ChatGPT Enterprise Corporate customers who subscribe will be protected by Open AI. If a customer is sued due to Open AI technologies, the artificial intelligence giant will cover all costs. Those who use ChatGPT for free and those who subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for individuals are out of scope they were kept.

Created new APIs for services like DALL-E 3 and assistant


One of the most important issues in DevDay events is API It was about systems. Open AI announced that it has created a new API for its tool called DALL-E 3. The API, which has a similar structure to DALL-E 2, will offer various size and resolution supports. However, unlike the DALL-E 2 API, the DALL-E 3 API does the task of recreating an existing image. will not undertake. Open AI announced that they made such a decision due to security measures.

ChatGPT is now “Assistants API” feature will enable the development of assistants that can work with customized commands. Developers will determine the features they need and code them through ChatGPT. At the end of the project, only the developer working according to commands An artificial intelligence assistant will be produced.


Open AI now also offers an AI API that converts text into audio. Prepared before Has 6 different voice tones This new API allows text to be read aloud. Although Sam Altman said that the new API will provide a natural experience, there is a detail here. Open AI’s new API allows customizing the emotional impact of the audio produced won’t let.

Number of ChatGPT users announced:


OpenAI Announces ChatGPT’s Number of Users

GPT 4 Turbo announced:


OpenAI Introduces New Language Model GPT 4 Turbo: Here Are Its Features

Anyone will be able to create their own chatbot:


You will be able to create your own ChatGPT without writing code! OpenAI Announces Personalized Chatbots GPTs

It was possible to receive money from Open AI with ChatGPT:


Open AI Announces Its New System to Make Money from ChatGPT

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