Admission to New York, Manhattan Will Now Be Paid

It will now be paid to enter the Manhattan area of ​​New York, which has been home to the traffic ordeal for years. A similar application had previously come to the fore for Istanbul.

one of the largest and most famous cities in the United States New York Citywill soon turn into a paid city. But the regulation in question will only cover a part of the city.

With the arrangement, a fee will be paid to drive into Manhattan, one of New York’s five main districts and the wealthiest. In this way Reducing vehicular traffic in the area will be targeted.

Why did the city of New York need such a measure?

In the arrangement shared by the New York City administration, especially attention was drawn to the traffic density. In the pre-pandemic period, 700 thousand vehicles entered the region every day, and after the pandemic, this number increased. Up to 90% of vehicle entry takes reported.

With this congestion, the average travel speed of vehicles within the region fell to 11 km/h between 2010 and 2019. That’s why New York settlers every year due to traffic jams. they lost a total of 117 hours reported.

The arrangement was not actually planned for many years, but was constantly postponed.

How much will the entrance fee to Manhattan be?

new York

Every vehicle that enters Manhattan, Entrance fee between $9 and $23, depending on the hours will pay. The revenue will be used to improve urban transportation.

The regulation is expected to be approved by the US administration very soon:

The regulation, submitted by the New York administration, was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on May 5. According to the details shared by CNN, the Joe Biden administration also decided to organize it. Will confirm very soon.

With the new regulation, New York will be the only city in the USA to enact this practice.

Other cities in the world that implement this regulation:

This regulation, also known as “traffic congestion charging”, was introduced in 1975 for the first time in the world. in Singapore was put into effect. Regulations were also implemented in cities such as London, Milan, Stockholm, Bergen, Trondheim, Oslo and Kristiansand in Norway.

A similar proposal was made for Istanbul:

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that this regulation was implemented last March. It should also be applied to enter the center of Istanbul. had pointed out. Erdogan’s statements were as follows:

“When I was the mayor of Istanbul, I had the thesis to subject the entry to Istanbul to a visa. Let everyone who comes to enter with ease, this cannot be. There must be a price to enter Istanbul. Look, you can’t enter London. There are certain rules in this business”

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