A US Court Classifies Bees as ‘Fish’

A court in the US state of California has decided in a hearing this week that the fish can be legally classified as ‘fish’.

Courts where justice is sought can sometimes cause us to witness very interesting cases. One of these strange cases took place in the USA recently.

an appellate court in the US state of California, that bees can be classified as ‘fish’ decided. The reason for this interesting decision is the protection of bees.

A legal clearance was exploited

Bees are vital creatures for wildlife. However, some bee speciespesticideIt is used in the production of drugs known as ‘protecting plants from harmful factors, and for this reason, the generations of some bee species are under threat. The Fish and Wildlife Department in the state of California is struggling to protect fish species and dozens of different species, especially bees.

However, the government allocates resources to fish and other living things. insufficient Upon giving a source, the institution took the case to court. He also demanded that bees be classified as fish in the lawsuit, which has been supported by environmentalists who have been making efforts to protect bees since 2020. The court, on the other hand, found this request to be reasonable and defined the concept of fish as “mollusc, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian, or egg of any of these animalsdefined as ”.

Thanks to this legal change, bees, defined as invertebrates, entered the fish class and the institution received the necessary support from the government.


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for the first time in 2020 After the bees were classified as fish, the high court overturned the decision. Environmentalists and activists who later appealed, after the court upheld the decision. achieved victory.

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