Why Do Tears Come to Our Eyes When We Laugh Too Much?

Joy, happiness, or simply an enjoyable time spent with a group of friends can bring a smile to our face. But sometimes, in the midst of these joyful moments, tears begin to flow from our eyes. Well, have you ever thought about why our eyes water when we laugh so much?

Our tears, which keep our eyes moist and help clean foreign objects in our daily lives, It is very important for our eye health.

lacrimal glands There are many scientific theories about the reasons for the tears produced by the body and the involuntary cry of laughter. Let’s see why we cry not only when we cry but also when we laugh?

There are nerves and muscles that are active when we laugh.

Laughing is a complex action that activates many muscles in our face. on our faces when we smile cheekbone muscles are working and these muscles also affect the muscles around our eyes.

Activation of these muscles stimulates the tear glands and can cause more tear production. Also, when we laugh, we usually take deeper breaths and pressure changes in our face It can also activate the tear glands.

In fact, unlike our emotional tears, these tears are completely a physical reaction It turns out as .

We may be triggering our emotional center.

The reaction that occurs when we laugh a lot is our brain’s hypothalamus region It is controlled by. This region is actually where other emotions are controlled. It can also trigger other emotions such as laughter or crying.

Are we stressing?

One of the things that trigger each other in our body is our hormones. crying normally endorphin release causes and thus we can alleviate our emotional pain. Our other hormones, such as cortisol, can also change both when crying and laughing.

If you’re both laughing and crying If we can reduce our stress separately Could we be eliminating our stress by doing both?

Crying is not something we do only when we are sad.

Tears of happiness

You graduated from school, had a baby or received a marriage proposal… Tears of happiness There is a truth in what we say. That’s why we shouldn’t attribute crying only to sad moments. When we laugh or cry, we may express our happiness differently.

Damage to our brain may also cause this.

“Pathological laughter and crying” The concept means damage to the pathways in the cerebral cortex. If you often cry and laugh while others are laughing, and if this happens to you frequently, you may have more connections in some pathways of the limbic system than other people. damage to the cerebral cortex may also have occurred.

Tears usually come while laughing a natural reflex and can be explained by a combination of many factors. With these small details that make our joyful moments more special, it also shows the intensity and depth of the happy moments we experience.

Does this happen to you too?

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