A first in history: The star swallowed the planet!

Scientists have managed to observe many events that have not been observed until now. One of these events occurred today. Scientists at an institute study a star’s giant swallowing the planet observed. So, how did this event take place, which surprised those who saw and heard it? Here are the details!

Star swallows Jupiter-sized planet

Consisting of helium, hydrogen, cosmic dust, and many other gases, stars have a definite lifetime. considered the fuel of a star when you run out of hydrogen transformation takes place. The star first collapses a little on itself. It then expands to become a million times larger.

red giant In this expansion phase, which is named after the stars, their planets are close to them. they swallow Waiting. However, this phenomenon has never been directly observed before. This situation has been so far. With the news, it was observed that the star swallowed the planet.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘Why (MYTH) scientists, approx. 12 thousand light years in the distance Aquila constellation He observed that a star had swallowed the planet in it. According to observations, the star the size of Jupiter swallowed the planet.

According to the team’s measurement, the star is the Sun’s mass. 0.8 to 1.5 it was solid. The planet it swallows is the largest planet in the Solar System. 1 to 10 times the mass of Jupiter he had. It also released hydrogen equivalent to 33 times the mass of the Earth in total, and dust one-third the mass of the Earth.

A first Star in history swallowed the planet!

Likewise, after the event, the normal brightness of the star 100 times brighter it turned out to be. At the end of 10 days, it was also among the observations that it completely lost its brightness. Researchers have predicted the star’s next approximate 100 thousand years He says he will spend the time as a red giant. In addition, according to scientists, the same situation can happen to planets close to the Sun. If between these planets Venus, Mars, Mercury And World is located.

So, what do you think about the stellar planet swallowing event? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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