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Friday, January 17, 2025

A First in an Asian Country from a Leading Bitcoin Exchange: Application Submitted!


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Popular cryptocurrency exchange OKX has applied for a license to provide services in compliance with regulations in Hong Kong.

cryptocurrency exchange OKXIn order to operate in compliance with regulations in Hong Kong Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) licence applied. With this application, OKX is seeking to register in Hong Kong. first overseas cryptocurrency exchange happened.

OKX submitted the application in question Hong Kong subsidiary defined as “OKX Hong Kong FinTech CompanyHe made it under the name.

Previously, the two cryptocurrency exchanges that managed to obtain this license from Hong Kong were HashKey and OSL. Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) on November 16 updated website to the site Looking at the number of people currently waiting to obtain a VASP license, There are 7 different cryptocurrency companies.

It seems that Hong Kong’s rapid and constructive steps on the cryptocurrency industry continue to attract leading companies like a magnet.

Angelina Kwan, one of the former managers of Bitmex, said in a statement last March that by the end of the year 8 cryptocurrency companies from Hong Kong VASP license He suggested he could get it.

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Related article:  Hong Kong Could License 8 Crypto Companies This Year

A First in an Asian Country from a Leading Bitcoin Exchange: Application Submitted! The article titled was prepared by Tugay Erdem and published on koinbulteni.com.

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