A drone killed its own pilot!

The event in the United States “How safe is artificial intelligence in the military?” He began to search for an answer to his question. An armed UAV (SİHA) killed its operator in America. After the incident, artificial intelligence software in UAV models began to be overhauled. Here are the details of the incident…

The operator prevented artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence paid a heavy price!

The thing is truly blood-chilling. Because until now, software made for the military has been taught to focus and focus on the target. But this has the opposite effect in artificial intelligence. It is emphasized that all manufacturers should be more sensitive about these software in the next process.

The incident took place during the test flights of the USA. A SİHA and enemy air defense targets are included in the simulation test. The instruction given to the SİHA is quite simple. Destroy the targets and come. The AUAV will gain 1 point for each target it destroys. It is a very simple and effective software system in theory. AUAV is actually a simple game if a child is to hit targets.

The strongest both on land and at sea: 9 domestic and national ZAHA deliveries have been made!

The strongest both on land and at sea: 9 domestic and national ZAHA deliveries have been made!

9 local and national Armored Amphibious Assault Vehicles ZAHA have been added to the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces. Here are the details…

However, the results are different than expected. Yes, the SİHA went to its targets at full throttle and destroyed them. However, the SİHA went crazy when the pilot ordered the UAV to “hit the targets”. He killed his own pilot first. Then he hit the control tower that listed the points in question. Because there was the phrase “do not kill the pilot, if you kill the pilot you will lose points” in the software. And this warning was from the tower. In short, SİHA wanted to kill the enemy and killed everyone who came in his way.

Colonel Tucker ‘Cinco’ Hamilton, head of testing and operations in charge of artificial intelligence in the US Air Force, said in a statement on the subject, “The SİHA wanted to achieve its purpose. That’s why he overcame all obstacles, whether friend or foe.” included the phrase. The fact that the test is a simulation and that someone really not dead sprinkles water on us.


However, there is a very serious problem. Although the USA boasts about the results of the SİHA test, we are actually talking about an uncontrolled force. The SİHA used in the test focuses only on its purpose, as it is noticed. It does not analyze other factors. If it prevents it from reaching its goal, it also destroys them. Therefore, you can come with another SİHA force and shoot the US SİHAs while you are dealing with the purpose of the US SİHA. So the software needs to be fixed.

So what do you think? Don’t forget to give your opinion in the comments section…

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