7 Eye-opening Psychological Concepts, Each Quite Interesting

Psychology is one of the most interesting scientific fields. Although we have made progress in this area over the years, there are still many psychological mysteries that we cannot solve.

Here are the psychological foundations that are either very interesting or still unresolved interesting phenomena:

1. Coolidge Effect

In experiments on mice, a male mouse mating with a single female after a while It seems that he stopped responding to the female. However, just at this time, if a new female is added to the environment, the male mouse becomes highly sexually active again as if nothing had happened and begins to mate with the new female.

This condition is also observed in different animals. also found in females, but to a lesser extent. In humans, it is thought that this effect lies at the root of deception.


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2. The Barnum Effect

This psychological concept is explains why horoscopes and horoscope interpretations suit us. Accordingly, the horoscope interpretations we read are prepared to suit most people.

For example, the emotional nature of the Cancer zodiac sign is, in fact, of all zodiac signs may apply to humans. Or the knowledge that your business will improve this week, in fact, every person can be considered valid.

Likewise, “You are a social person, but you also enjoy spending time with yourself” style. all-encompassing Since positive sentences satisfy all people, they describe not only you, but actually everyone. So these kinds of comments seem to suit you; because it actually fits most people anyway.


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3. Misleading Effect

In this psychological effect, which is used especially in the economy, while giving people two options, to highlight another option. An alternative is offered as an alternative.

For example, if you sell a small coffee for 25 TL and a large coffee for 30 TL in a coffee shop; people may turn to small size coffee. However, if you add medium coffee and sell this coffee for 28 TL, You will see that the sale of large size coffee has increased considerably.

This option in humans creates a misleading effect and even if he would normally buy a small size, it makes him think “If I buy a large size, it will be very advantageous compared to the medium size, let me do it”.


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4. The Escalator Effect

If you are someone who often takes escalators, you stumble upon stepping on a standing escalator and you may have experienced that your balance is momentarily disrupted.

So why do we experience such awkwardness when a standing escalator is no different from a regular staircase? This is because; is that in our brain, the movement of the escalator is strongly formed.


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When the brain takes the first step on the escalator, even if the staircase is standing still. it doesn’t feel like a normal ladder and sends signals as if stepping on a moving ladder. But when motion is not detected, it is understood that something is wrong and the balance is disturbed.

Here, the control of your subconscious mind is so strong that when you take the first step on the standing ladder, you are very seriously trying not to lose your balance. You may not even be able to focus.

5. Foreign Race Influence

If this psychological concept is comparing people of different nationalities meets the situation. Comparing all Far Easterners to each other is a good example of this situation.

When this situation arises facial recognition region of the brain It is shown that he is not good at distinguishing people of different races from each other, but is instead much better at recognizing people around us and of our own race.


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6. Door Sill Effect

Our brain, when trying to recognize and adapt to the new environment when we change the environment, enters a small-scale renewal process and in the meantime. We may lose information that was in our minds a few seconds ago.

This temporary memory loss, especially when you move from one room to another from home “What was I going to do?” If you’re asking yourself the question, it means you’ve witnessed it at least once.

7. Rebound Effect

According to this phenomenon, people become so attached to their beliefs or to what they accept that it shows that what they know is wrong. even if concrete evidence is presented They continue to hold on to their beliefs by rejecting the evidence rather than accepting it.

This is particularly unfounded and blindly held beliefs makes it much deeper.


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