6 Tactics That Will Help You Remember What You’ve Learned

Hundreds of students working on different subjects for hours, one question in mind; How do we keep so many things in mind? Even though we study different lessons for hours during the school term, we sometimes have difficulty remembering the information we have learned – in dire moments such as exam times. To eliminate this difficulty, we wanted to take a closer look at some tactics, such as the memory palace and the pomodore technique, which make the learned information more memorable.

When it’s time for the exam, hundreds of students think of only one question; “How am I going to learn and remember all this stuff?” Usually for students who leave work for the last week learn the whole syllabus in a short time, is hardly possible.

It is also used in situations where quick learning is not possible. memorization methods enters. Let’s say up front, memorization can never replace learning, but to remember what we studied a few days ago or the last topic we went over, various methods of memorization and recall. we can apply. Let’s take a closer look at the methods that allow the things we learned to be remembered.

Arrange the environment you will be working in at first nicely:

The first thing we need to do when preparing for the exam is to let our brain focus only on the subject we are studying. That’s why at the desk or even in the room distractions We need to eliminate it.

At the table before you sit in your chair to work pick up how many distractions there are and only the books you will study, your notebooks and whatever technological device you use are left. In this way, your eyes will not turn to other things during work and you will not be easily distracted.

Take advantage of the memory palace (Loci method):

memory palace

A devoted Sherlock Holmes fan already knows what I mean. If you remember, Sherlock in one episode of the series, from the memory palace he built in his own mind He was able to recall some memories and solve a case that no one could solve (the classic Sherlock thing).

Loci method easy in theory, somewhat challenging in practice is a method. No matter what subject you study, even the smallest thing you have learned should be put in a drawer in a room created by you in your brain, and in case of need. knowing which information you can get from which drawer needs.

The simplest way to apply this method is to close our eyes after learning something and imagine a big palace, house or library. Let’s say you are studying anatomy and memorizing the bones in the human foot. Close your eyes and learn what you have learned to visualize work. Find a closet in the house you created and use it that you place the information you have learned imagine. Of course, it’s up to you to remember what information you put in which locker.

Keep a chart of what you learned:


They didn’t say for nothing that the word would fly away and the writing would remain. If you keep a chart of what you’re working on daily and weekly, you can look at this chart to see where you’re going and how you’ve been working on the previous days. What subjects do you occupy your mind with? you learn.

Also, many teachers let students look at this chart. repeat shortr recommends doing it. For example, repeating the previous topic for half an hour or an hour every day will be a proofreading, so everything you learn will be much more memorable.

If you feel that your brain is burning during long-term work, refer to the Pomodoro technique:


Pomodore on time control and efficiency the most successful is one of the techniques. The Pomodore technique, which is extremely simple to apply, is generally requiring intense concentration people who work in jobs.

All you need to apply this technique is the timer, which is now available on all smartphones. Set the timer to 25 minutes and do nothing but study for those 25 minutes. never don’t care. At the end of 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break and it will distract you, it will distract you from what you focus on do a different activity.

When applying the Pomodore technique, determine the time according to your own experience. personally you can specify. For example, 25 minutes for someone else is fully productive, 35 minutes for you. You can also decide the break times (provided that they are not too long).

pomodore technique

Once you have determined the working and break times, it is of great importance to follow the rules you have set. For example, if you follow an irregular path such as 25 minutes of work one day, 5 minutes of break, and 35 minutes of work the next day, 10 minutes of break.lost your utin and moved away from making it a habit you will be.

After completing the cycle 4 times at the times you set, you need to take a much longer break. Let’s say you set a working time of 25 minutes, take a break of 15-20 minutes when 100 minutes pass, excluding breaks. to refresh your mind it will help. For a more detailed explanation, you can check our content below:

Stay away from social media, phone and computer during your work:


At the top of the most distracting things in every moment of the day our phone and computer income. Incessant notifications, wondering who shared what on Instagram, What will happen if I play the game for 10 minutes? those who say…

They really don’t stop, and if you can’t control yourself, you can’t be bothered to study because of your phone or computer. to suffer great harm You will continue. For this, the place of work should be separate and the place of entertainment should be different.

When you sit at the beginning of the lesson, you should never keep your phone nearby. Unless it’s something very important mute the phone and place it away from you. It will not be possible to turn off the computer in this period when we switch to online education, but by owning your own will, “Hold on, let me check Steam” You should never think of such a thought.

Do not put any other activity between studying and sleeping


After working late, many of us spend the night by rewarding the game finishes. However, this is the subject of our work. to do injustice It means. Our brain renews itself while we sleep at night and makes it more permanent by filtering what it has just learned. The fresher the learning is, the easier it is to memorize.

If we continue to tire our brain with a game or other activity after working at night, we will learn that what we learn while studying perhaps the most important part it will fly away. That’s why at night last thing we do before sleep must be learning something new, studying.

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