5G Supported Autonomous Robot Test by Turkcell and Ericsson

Turkcell and Ericsson successfully carried out control tests with the 5G connection of the autonomous mobile robot developed by Milvus Robotics. The robot carried out the fast and safe transportation of materials within a warehouse.

Studies on the use of autonomous robots in the industry are all over the world. continuously tested in different fields continues to be developed.

Ericsson and Turkcell, which have carried out important studies in this field in our country, have achieved a first in this regard in the past weeks. Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Secure Transition had implemented the demo where the industrial use scenario was successfully implemented for the first time in Turkey. A new test as a continuation of this important step was carried out recently.

Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Secure Transition application successfully tested

Turkcell and Ericsson launched the Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) Secure Transition application, which is one of the 5G industrial usage scenarios. by testing it in a warehouse area got pretty good results.

In the test, which is based on the robot transporting materials safely and quickly in the warehouse environment, SEIT500 autonomous mobile robot working with 5G connection (AMR) successfully executed the commands it received over the internet.

In its simple form, the system allows commands given over the Internet through the order management system. transfer of robots to common task managerfollowed by the steps of transferring these commands to the robots in the warehouse with a 5G connection.

With this demo, 5G connected AMR with industrial area scanner placed in the blind spot By establishing a wireless connection over 5G It worked efficiently and without any problems. At the same time, problems such as interruptions and delays in Wi-Fi connections were thus overcome. The demo, in which Turkcell’s private 5G test network is used, was presented by Turkey, Ericsson’s Industry 4.0 solution partner. domestic autonomous mobile robot manufacturer Milvus Robotics carried out in collaboration.

”5G will be the basic standard of industrial communication infrastructure”

Making statements about the subject, Milvus Robotics Co-Founder Hasan Ölmez said, ”In industrial uses of mobile robots, especially in scenarios where more than one robot is usedWe often encounter difficulties arising from Wi-Fi wireless communication. Interruptions, slow connection speeds, limited access point coverage and delays in data transfer stand out as the main problems experienced in this context. We believe that 5G will be the basic standard of industrial communication infrastructure in the near future, due to the features it contains and the solutions it offers to these problems, and in these tests we conduct, we reveal the performance differences between Wi-Fi and 5G. For this reason, our robots It can work in harmony with 5G and we are delighted to announce that we have made this transition seamless.” he said.

This demo application also showed that autonomous mobile robots can move freely even in environments with many connected devices, with the help of 5G and private networks.

Turkcell Deputy General Manager of Network Technologies, Gediz Sezgin, said in his statement regarding the demo work:digitalization in Turkey. As a leading brand, we continue to develop innovative technologies for the future. Acting with a human-oriented approach in all its processes, Turkcell develops technologies that make life easier for institutions and people. Thanks to our cooperation with our national and international solution partners on technology, we develop innovative solutions for the needs and demands of different sectors with the aim of adding value to Turkey in the field of technology. We have demonstrated one of the first examples of this with the autonomous mobile robot demo. We will continue to work with our technology business partners such as Ericsson and offer the latest technologies and solutions to support the industrial transformation processes of businesses in Turkey.” he stated.

Işıl Yalçın, General Manager of Ericsson Turkey, said:As industries demand to connect more objects, so does the need for high-quality networks. Ericsson Private Network Solution is the best choice for secure and efficient connection with high throughput and low latency and supports many usage scenarios. Especially Within the scope of Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 Considering the connectivity and communication requirements, 5G technology is expected to become the standard in industrial communication infrastructures in the very near future. This use case, which we successfully demonstrated together with Turkcell and Milvus Robotics, clearly demonstrated that the future of this technology is very bright. We will continue to support Turkcell and industries in new usage scenarios with Ericsson Special Network Solutions, which will further open the doors to Turkey’s digital future.He also emphasized the importance of secure, fast and low latency transactions.

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