$150M Profit From FTT Pre-Sale: $1 Token Sold for 5 Cents

Ruairi Donnely, one of the former executives of FTX, made a profit of 150 million dollars by purchasing FTT with a pre-sale price of $ 1 for $ 0.05 with a secret agreement.

The Wall Street Journal reported on February 14 that Ruairi Donnely, one of the former directors of FTX, presented to FTX employees. a special deal in the scope of pre-sale price 1 dollar the FTT $0.05 by buying in exchange 150 million earned close to $.

The charity he founded shortly after purchasing the assets to Polaris Ventures quoted Donnely, after FTX bankruptcy 150 million dollar company asset stuck in FTX 30 million demanded the return of the dollar to the institution.

According to the information received by Donnely 562 thousand dollars in return from $0.05 received 11.2 million FTT and by another company employee 30 thousand dollars received at the same price 600k tokens to Polaris Ventures was donated. The foundation has 11.8 million FTT from token for 1 dollar upon reaching 1.900% profited.

As of now, according to Donnely’s testimony 150 million dollars foundation with assets 30 million dollars presence within FTX pawned case.

Donnely’s lawyer Jason PW Halperin assets from donations and FTX assets that you don’t include underlined. In addition, Halperin is the Foundation’s FTX by client status. one of its major creditors stated that.

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