1500 TL Increase in Service Fees from Apple

Signing the news of the hike twice in one day, Apple is now bringing a huge hike to service and repair operations. In the new list, which has a gap between the previous prices, the repair fees of iPhone models draw attention. Here is the list of Apple’s service fees before and after the hike…

The depreciation of the Turkish Lira leads to unbelievable price hikes in the field of technology as well. Technology giant Apple, which has brought a hike in its applications in the past weeks, continues to offer all Apple products today. second time in a month brought huge raises. Announcing a raise for the second time on the same day, Apple is also going to increase the repair and service fees of its products.

The fact that the dollar rose to the level of 17 yesterday morning against the TL and broke a record again, naturally created an expectation that Apple would receive another hike. The company has listed the new repair and service fees on its website. The list, where there is a big difference between the old and new prices, makes the phones afraid to even put on the table.

Here are Apple’s service charges before and after the hike:

As you can see, Apple’s iPhone models Increases up to 1500 TL happened. Of course, the hikes in the service fees of Apple devices are not limited to iPhone models. There has also been a huge price increase in exchange, service and repair for AirPods.


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We will see how the Turkish Lira will follow in the coming months. However, as long as it continues in this way, it is possible to foresee that more hikes are on the way. What are your reactions to this new hike from Apple? Do you say “I won’t do it even if the screen is shattered” or will you be willing to give it to the service? You can share your thoughts in the comments section.

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