Why Are Some Trees Painted White?

We often see some tree trunks painted white around us. Before you wonder why this is done, you may think that this actually serves as a kind of protection.

How come this simple but effective method for protecting trees? big tree trunk can it protect?

of the sun While its hot rays can damage the delicate bark of trees A paint can prevent this damage. Let’s look at the details together.

This practice is done to protect trees from the harmful rays of the Sun.

Sometimes some or all of the tree trunks around You can see that it is covered with a white cloth. This is a simple but effective protection method that makes trees less affected by the Sun.

The sun’s rays can easily burn the thin bark of especially young trees. However, white paint protects these delicate shells and prevents damage to the depths of the tree.

So why don’t we see this dye on every tree?

tree body

Forestry and Research Specialist at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Christopher Evans, draws attention to the importance of this application. This method, which is generally preferred for thin-barked trees or orchards, prevents the bark from overheating and reduces injuries caused by sunburn.

This practice is critical for the health of the tree.This continues until the young trees become stronger and less vulnerable. However, this practice can be as harmful as it is beneficial.

This intervention in the cycle of nature while protecting the trunk of the tree It actually allows harmful cells to circulate in the tree. While this increases the productivity of the tree, it may decrease it. So, when doing eyebrows, we make eyes appear, be careful.

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