10-Year-Old Boy Beats Magnus Carlsen, the Messi of Chess

10-year-old chess player Faustino Oro was called the “Messi of Chess” after beating Magnus Carlsen.

He has been at the top of the chess world for a very long time. Magnus Carlsen It is located. While Carlsen’s place at the top of the FIDE Chess Rankings seems unshakable, a very talented 10-year-old boy Faustino Oromanaged to checkmate Carlsen in the short game they played.

In the fight that took place on March 23 10 year old Argentinian boywon the game in just 38 seconds. That’s why many people called the boy “The Messi of Chess”. Footage of the game was also featured in Oro’s broadcast on his YouTube channel. The boy, who was playing games on Chess.com, suddenly found himself in front of Magnus Carlsen.

Here is that match

While the game progresses very quickly, Oro He gained an advantageous position towards the end of the game. He even said, “If I lose this game, I will quit chess.” Oro won the match when Carlsen withdrew from the game when he reached a point where he could not win the game.

On the other hand, Oro’s victory is not actually a first. Young talent has been there before Daniel Naroditsky And hikaru Nakamura He was also victorious in his struggles against great masters such as. After these victories, the young Argentinian talent attracted the attention of the chess world.

On the other hand, there are those who belittle Oro’s success. From the great masters Anish Giri, “Why the excitement, Carlsen would probably still beat him in a long game of classical chess, especially in 14 or 16 games.” he said.

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