10 Million Dollars Unlocked in Web3 Altcoin, Transferred to 142 Addresses Including Justin Sun!

Web3 project Galxe (GAL) has sent nearly $10 million worth of tokens to notable new owners.

According to data, on November 5 $10.25 million worth 7.42 million GAL‘s unlocked. These tokens, which are worth millions of dollars after the unlocking process, investors, team, community And marketing including to 142 addresses distributed.

Among these addresses, some particularly attracted attention. According to Etherscan data, among 142 addresses Amber Group, Spartan Group, Multicoin Capital, HashKeyCapital And Justin Sun He was featured in names such as.

Hong kong based digital asset platform Amber Group and also based in Hong Kong first licensed stock exchange The fact that HashKey was among these names revealed the increasing interest in Galxe from Asia. Also, I wonder if this strategic token distribution is GAL? Will it be the 7th cryptocurrency listed on HashKey? It brought the question to mind. HashKey finally Uniswap (UNI) He announced that he would list it.

on the other hand TRON (TRX) The fact that founder Justin Sun was one of the parties that received GAL also revealed the magnitude of support for the project.

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