10 games and applications worth 152 TL are free for a short time!

Sometimes the games and applications you want to download to your Android device may be paid. There have been paid applications for years in the Google Play Store, which is the market for Android users. If you are one of those who do not want to pay for applications, you can download these games and applications that are free for a short time. 152 TL You can save money.

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Games and applications worth 152 TL are free for a limited time!

If you can download the apps or games we have listed from the Google Play Store. once you download They are added to your library. This means that even if you change phones, you can always download that application from the Play Store. free you will be able to download. However, you should act quickly to take advantage of this opportunity. Because each application has a differentcampaign end date there is.

Free apps:

Free games:

Check if they are still free before installing these apps from Play Store. to control remember. Because all these games and applications have been made free by the developers themselves. You should be careful as the apps we listed do not have a common campaign end date.

Google Play Store
Google Play Store

Mostly among the free ones this week indie games is located. Although these games are not developed with high budgets, there may be some that can provide a good gaming experience among them. Since the games are free, it is useful to download and try the ones that appeal to you the most. Likewise, you can download the ones you need from free applications.

These apps, which you can download for free, may have in-app purchases. In other words, even if you download it for free, it is possible to purchase some features from within the game depending on your request. If a child is using your device, you should be careful about it.

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