YouTuber turned old iMac into Studio Display!

When you want to buy a monitor from Apple, you have two options: Pro Display XDR, which was introduced in 2019 and has a starting price of over 65 thousand TL, or the Mac Studio that we came across in the past months. Apple Studio Display.

The biggest difference of Apple Studio Display, which has a 27-inch 5K panel, is that it is not a stand-alone monitor. It’s not actually a stand-alone monitor. apple A13 Bionic processor and iOS operating system This monitor, which hosts a 12 Megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera, has six speakers.

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Studio Display from iMac? Here is the result

The monitor, which can also offer spatial audio support, includes one Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) and three USB-C ports. However, there is a criticism of those who bought the monitor: the one in the 2014 iMac 27-inch 5K display There are great similarities between (ProMotion and no MiniLED) and the panel used in Studio Display. In this context, a YouTuber set out with the idea of ​​transforming the iMac.

The result was a monitor with a built-in camera and USB-C ports. Although it requires technical skills, this video has proven that it’s possible to turn an old iMac into a high-end monitor. Of course, it is not possible to get the same performance with Studio Display.

For example, the display on the iMac does not support the P3 color gamut. In addition, he states that the blacks are not as deep as the Studio Display, but are also behind in contrast. Of course, when this process is applied on an iMac released in 2015 or later, it is inevitable to obtain a much better result.

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