You Could Be Jailed For Sharing Your Netflix Password

The UK Intellectual Property Office has warned Netflix users not to share their passwords. According to the published guide, users who share passwords can even go to jail.

2022 was a very painful year for Netflix, one of the largest TV series and movie platforms in the world. More and more each month user lost platform, some laying off employees He tried to minimize the damage. The platform will also be available in 2023. will remove the account sharing feature and if multiple individuals use the same account will pay extra started testing the system.

Today, according to the information in the “piracy guide” published by the UK Intellectual Property Office, Sharing a Netflix password can now be considered a crime.

You can go to jail for sharing a password

In the guide published by the UK Intellectual Property Office, from 2023 onwards, sharing the Netflix password with non-paying users “Free and pirated viewing of paid content” and the crime of piracy will be in court. It can be seen as both a criminal case and a public case. is stated. Under UK law, citizens can be fined in criminal cases depending on the extent of the crime, but if the offense turns into a civil lawsuit Citizens are given a direct prison sentence by canceling their fines.. So just because you gave your Netflix password to your friend You may be in jail.

Of course, there is no certainty in this manual. In other words, in order for these lawsuits to be filed, Netflix must identify these users and complain specifically to the UK government, and he needs to sue. In the past months, Netflix, which wants to strictly prevent users from sharing passwords with its profile transfer device management features, made a statement to the BBC. stated that it will not sue its users.


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Netflix, which is expected to permanently ban password sharing in the first months of 2023, has recently launched its services in all countries where it offers services. may seek the implementation of similar laws..

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