You Can Reset the Algorithm in Matchmaking Apps

Looking for a new relationship on matchmaking apps but can’t match anyone? Maybe you need to reset the algorithm.

A lot of people looking for a new relationship these days are looking for their luck either on Instagram DMs or on matchmaking apps. Your only chance in Instagram DMs when throwing flame or lemon emoji In other applications, you have the chance to impress others with your photos and interests.

However, sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you cannot match the type of person you are looking for. Sometimes there are even users who have been using the app for years and can’t match with anyone. What if we told you there was a way to get past all this and match the people you’re looking for?

First, let’s take a look at the algorithms of these applications.

Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and others, in fact almost all matchmaking apps are built on a similar algorithm. This system learns your preferences and interests while registering for the application. In addition, the first profiles that appear after you register for the application also play a major role in determining your preferences. Algorithm on such platforms usually gives you points. For example, let’s say you initially have 0 points. When a user reviews your profile 1 pointif it swipes you right (want to pair) 2 points you earn. When another user swipes you left (not wanting to be matched) You lose 1 point.

With this type of scoring system, the algorithm either recommends you or not, depending on how popular you are at the end of the day. Of course, in addition to this scoring, it is also possible for a user with a very high score to swipe you to the right. earns you more points. In summary, the higher your score, the higher your chance of finding a match. Naturally, your score also increases. Even when your score is low You are stuck in an inextricable loop.

So how do you earn these points?

Of course, when this is the case, you may think that all you have to do is be more interesting and original than other users. For this, you add details that will reflect yourself, such as remarkable photos, an interesting biography and your musical taste, to your profile and start scrolling. Months pass, but you can’t match up. The reason for this is that no matter how remarkable you think you are, you are actually compared to the users in front of you. you are ordinary.

So what should you do in this situation? Jeremy, a 30-year-old Philadelphia software developer, claims to have found the solution to this situation. As a guest on The Verge’s podcast, Jeremy said he changed his profile to casual and generic, sharing as little information about himself as possible with a funny photo and strangely their pairings increased claims.

According to Jeremy, this method increases his scores while also resetting the features that the algorithm defines about him. After being matched with people like this for a while, whether relevant or unrelated, Jeremy returns to his old profile and this time for real. states that he receives matches that match his interests.


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Of course, in such applications, all of the matches are made by the algorithm, and if you know what you are doing, you can reset the algorithm’s data about you and make a fresh start.

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