XRP Case: Court Grants Ripple’s Additional Documentation Application

XRP lawsuitUpdates keep coming. According to the latest news from the court RippleResponding affirmatively to the defendants’ motion to “seal” the documents submitted on October 22, 2021, to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) application to submit three additional documents for plaintiff’s camera inspection on October 15, 2021.

RippleAccording to the appeal decision, the defendants had already met with the SEC, and the plaintiff understood that he could not object to filing these materials under seal. In addition, the defense stated that both documents filed under seal were kept confidential by the SEC. However, the plaintiff did not take an absolute stand against the redaction or seal of the documents in question. Ripple stated that the submitted documents are considered part of “discovery materials submitted to the court in connection with disputes related to discovery,” which is also considered confidential by the producing party, the SEC. The defendants argued that they did not know whether the documents were not forensic and whether they were suitable for public access.

Appendix Ais a privilege log (privilege log) submitted in this case, dated September 2, 2021, and revised September 15, 2021, which is also designated as “confidential” by the SEC. Appendix Bis a document produced in this case that has been designated as “confidential” by the SEC under the Protection Order. The defense states that “Objections A and B are part of expeditionary materials exchanged between the parties through a mandatory process “not to facilitate regular preparation for trial, educate or excite the public.” Shared with note.

Recently, the 3 additional document disputes have been more discussed with the SEC’s consistent efforts to make a protective decision. On October 22, Ripple responded to the SEC’s letter with a description of the privilege allegations, along with a revised version of the 3 additional documents requested by the defendants for camera review.

However, what shocked the community in the whole process was Ripple’s request to disclose these documents to the defense. It was considered “strange” by the community that the defendants struggled to have documents reviewed on camera they had never been exposed to before.

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