World’s Smallest Skin Cancer Discovered

The world’s smallest skin cancer was discovered by researchers in the USA. The size of the cancerous area, which is among the Guinness World Records, is only 0.65 mm.

Doctors in the United States made a very interesting discovery. in Portland, the largest city in the state of Oregon world’s smallest skin cancer found. The cancerous area was detected on a woman’s cheek.

After a thorough examination, the team of dermatologists from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) realized that the small spot on the cheek was actually a melanoma. Discovery hailed as ‘smallest skin cancer detected’ Guinness World Records managed to get in.

The size of the spot where the skin cancer is located is only 0.65 millimeters

The size of the cancerous part is only 0.65 millimeters. For this reason, it is stated that it is very difficult to see with the naked eye. Confirming that something this small was a micro skin cancer was, as you can imagine, extremely difficult for researchers.

Doctors at OHSU have “used to examine lesions, which are areas that look abnormal.”dermoscopyHe used a technique called . This allows the diagnosis and examination of lesions without cutting the patient’s skin. Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Added a method.

As a result of the use of two state-of-the-art techniques, cancer could be detected at a very early stage. Researcher Alexander Witowski said that cancer before it has a chance to spread to other parts of reported that it was discovered.

Christy Staats

The woman named Christy Staats, whose cancer was detected, had this spot under her eye for several years. During this time he saw several doctors; but many sent it back as a harmless blemish on the skin. Staats also consulted dermatologists at OHSU when she saw the spot grow in times of COVID. As a result of the examination, it was revealed that he had a very small skin cancer. The researchers published their findings on Dermatology Practical & Conceptual.


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