“Work without an author” star Martin Bruchmann – “LGBT people belong in the middle of society”

In February of this year he was part of the #ActOut campaign, in which more than 180 filmmakers came out as part of the LGBTQ community: musician and actor Martin Bruchmann (32, “work without an author”). For the openly gay filmmaker himself, it is “a personal liberation”.

Nevertheless: Hate and violence against gays, lesbians or trans people is increasing again! Not only in Poland, Hungary or, as in July, in Spain – also here in Germany. The 32-year-old no longer just wants to watch, but also actively wants to do something against it, musically AND politically!

Inspired by the # ActOut campaign, he wanted to capture this feeling of freedom and put it in a song: “In order to let other people participate in it and, at best, to encourage and encourage them,” he says now in BILD.

With his love for music and a charity campaign, the singer has been making his own loud statement since Friday, November 5th: Against discrimination, exclusion and for more acceptance and diversity. His song is called “Anders”. The campaign for #WieDuNurAnders.

Just published: “Anders” by Martin BruchmannPhoto: PR

“I can only advise everyone to question themselves from time to time: ‘Am I living the life I want to live? Am I really who I am right now or am I subconsciously fulfilling any roles and expectations? ‘”

Bruchmann believes that when such thoughts exist, one should get rid of them.

Music video with prominent support

He was supported by many committed people for his music video. Including: presenter Jochen Schropp (42), trans-actor and activist Brix Schaumburg (31), drag queen Bambi Mercury (33), singer Leopold (31) and many more.

“Diversity and acceptance are issues that naturally concern me as a homosexual man somehow. We are all different, think differently, love differently, ”said Bruchmann.

I just can’t get it in my head
why there are people who judge LGBTQ,
insult or attack them!

With his song “Anders” he wants to contribute to “broadening the horizons, but also the hearts, of haters a little”. His musical role models? “I find Freddie Mercury, Sam Smith or Lil Nas X inspiring.”

And what about German artists? “Unfortunately there are no bigger names from the LGBTQ community in the German pop area. I think there is a very strong lack of visibility here. ”Just as role models are needed in film and TV, they are also very important in music, he says.

Speaking of TV: Do you have a favorite queer series?

Bruchmann: “‘Sex Education’. I love this series! If one day we manage to deal with each other with such a matter of course and acceptance, a lot would be achieved. “

Bruchmann on the Netflix hit

Bruchmann on the Netflix hit “Sex Education”: “I can’t imagine what it would have meant for me to have seen such a series as a teenager.”Photo: Mischa Lorenz

LGBT visibility on TV “gets us out of the niche”

He himself was only recently seen in the gay ARD series “All You Need”. Such series play an incredibly big role, thinks the 32-year-old.

Shortly after Christmas he can be seen in the new ARD series “Eldorado KaDeWe”. It is about two unequal young women who, against all odds, begin a passionate relationship in Berlin in the 1920s.

Bruchmann: “To see series and materials like this in public service is a very important statement. It pulls us out of the niche as a community and brings us into the middle of society. ”This is exactly where LGBTQ people belong, Bruchmann told BILD.

It is important that queer people also feel represented in fictional entertainment:

It is important that queer people also feel represented in fictional entertainment: “It’s great that Germany has now woken up and goes along with it.” Photo: Nils Schwarz

Has he ever experienced homophobia himself? “As for work, it’s hard to say. I don’t always get the reasons why you decided against me for a role, for example. ”

But: It was only through #Actout that he began to be more visible and less “chasing after” the heteronomous: “On the set or in everyday life. A lawsuit has started. Because since then I’ve often asked myself: ‘How much ME am I really? And how much does that play with what I’ve trained myself over the years? ‘”

The song is also a political message

With a view to the catastrophic conditions for LGBTQ in Poland and Hungary, Bruchmann says: “It is terrible and I can hardly imagine what it is like to live in such a country.” Living here in Germany is a privilege for him : “Even if everything is not perfect here either.”

In BILD the actor appeals: “The European values ​​must be adhered to and defended. Politicians have to be very clear about this! “

Bruchmann is now also politically committed with his song. Because: The proceeds from his single (after deducting the costs) benefit the “Basic Law for All” initiative. The accompanying charity campaign “#WieDuNurAnders” of the human rights campaign “AllOut” also collects money for the initiative.

The goal: A supplement to Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the German Basic Law – to protect “sexual and gender identity”. Incidentally, the only group of victims of the National Socialists that has not yet been protected by the article of equality in Germany.

“LGBTQ need better protection against discrimination”

“The rights that are described in the Basic Law are the foundation for all laws in Germany. A person’s sexual and gender identity must never be a reason for discrimination, ”said Bruchmann.

“A supplement to the Basic Law would ensure that political and social moods never again pose a threat to the freedom and dignity of queer people in Germany.

“A supplement to the Basic Law would ensure that political and social moods never again pose a threat to the freedom and dignity of queer people in Germany.”Photo: Nils Schwarz

And further: “LGBTQ would experience better protection against discrimination and have a better basis to fight for their rights and equality.”

▶ ︎ Since exactly THAT is also missing in Poland, the Polish government could ban CSD demonstrations in the future. “Such an addition in our Basic Law would make it more difficult for right-wing politicians to restrict our rights,” explains Bruchmann.

With so much commitment, music and film roles: is there still time for love?

Bruchmann: “In fact, my schedule is full. If I had a steady partner, I would unfortunately not be able to do him justice. But who knows, nothing is impossible. If the right one comes, I will surely find ways to combine love with my schedule. “

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