Woman Who Gave Birth 10 Days After Being Buried

An extraordinary discovery in Bologna, Italy’s history-filled land, raises the question: “How could this be?” It makes you say.

A grave that archaeologists encountered during a study carried out in the past; both to history and shedding light on science and revealed an interesting event that left a question mark in people’s minds.

What made this tomb mysterious was not the fact that it contained a skeleton from the early Middle Ages. There were also small bones in the grave: Bones of a newborn baby.

This tomb, discovered in 2018, caused a new research.

Discoveries showed that this tomb dates back to the early Middle Ages, around the 7th century. It was not unusual for a skeleton dating back thousands of years to be so well preserved. But the real surprise is; not preserving the bones, but next to the adult bones in the grave They were the tiny bones of a newborn baby.

This discovery was examined in detail by a team of neurosurgeons. This team consisting of Alba Pasini, Vanessa Smamantha Manzon, Xabier Gonzalez-Muro and Emanuela Gualdi-Russo; He meticulously analyzed the possibility of a dead woman giving birth under these conditions and evaluated this phenomenon from a medical perspective. So what was the result?

Various research articles and articles on the subject have also been published.

baby bone

Considering the period of the grave, it was thought that the body of the deceased was probably left directly in the ground without a protective element such as a coffin. According to medical history research, this event also born in the grave It was recorded as the first baby case.

While a pregnant woman can lose her baby even with a small blow; lost vital functions How could a woman’s baby survive in her womb?

postmortem This phenomenon, called fetal extrusion, It is explained by a medical phenomenon that if the pregnant mother dies, the body continues to push the baby out within 48 to 72 hours.

The concept of “birth in a coffin” is referred to in medicine as postmortem fetal extrusion.

Representative image (DALL-E)

dead pregnant woman The gases accumulating in the body cause the fetus to come out. When looking at the bones of the fetus; It was seen that he was a baby who was close to being born and was 9 months old. However, determining the exact age is of course difficult for experts. It should also be kept in mind that the distribution of the fetus’s bones may be affected by insects that eat rotting flesh in the grave.

San Francisco gynecologist Jen Gunter, commenting on how the baby is born while the mother is dying, put forward a theory: that the uterus ruptures and pushes the fetus out. “Was the baby alive?” If you think so, you are not alone. But let’s give the answer right away, in such a case whether the fetus is alive It is very difficult to determine.

If the fetus has completed its development sufficiently may survive for some time despite the death of the mother. However, as you will appreciate, this gives rise to scenarios that are undesirable to even consider.

Another point worth noting is that the crack in the woman’s skull may have been caused by a puncture.

This condition, called trepanation, It was an ancient method used to treat problems such as headaches. It is thought that it may have been applied to pregnant women at that time, especially in cases such as eclampsia or severe high blood pressure. However, these cracks detected in the bone may have been the result of an attack rather than a surgical intervention.

As can be seen, this event has occurred throughout history. shaped the history of medicine It is an interesting and frightening event. Even though we question its reality many times, we should not forget that such things can happen.

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