Windows 11 File Explorer suddenly opening error has been resolved!

Microsoft released its new operating system, Windows 11, in recent years. This version made a name for itself with a number of innovations. However, it also contained some errors that negatively affected the user experience. Microsoft is working to resolve these errors.

Although many annoying problems have been resolved so far, there was also an error that went unnoticed for months. This error, which occasionally drives users into a nervous breakdown, has finally been eliminated with the latest update. Here are the details…

Windows 11 “File Explorer suddenly opens” error resolved

That’s what it’s about Windows 11 According to the error, the File Explorer application was opening suddenly and unexpectedly. For example, it could occur while giving a presentation or playing a game. Of course, in this case, since the system focus also changed, it made the users very angry. Fortunately this problem has now been resolved.

Windows 11 File Explorer suddenly opening error solved

Microsoft, Windows 11 released for KB5033375 Fixed a File Explorer bug that had been around for over a year with the update with version number. This issue has been raised by hundreds of users since October 2022.

The expected update from Windows 11!  With this feature, battery life will come close to Apple'sThe expected update from Windows 11!  With this feature, battery life will come close to Apple's

The expected update from Windows 11! With this feature, battery life will come close to Apple’s

The new energy saving feature, which is currently in the testing phase for Windows 11, will be a much more advanced version of the battery saving mode.

In addition, according to a recent news, Microsoft has released an important update for the 38-year-old Notepad. With this update, the character count feature and automatic save system were added to the application. These features were already available in rival applications such as Microsoft Word. Of course, we should point out that this update is released for Insider users. It’s expected to be available for everyone early next year.

So what do you think about this issue? Have you encountered this error? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.

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