Will PlayStation get new Call of Duty games?

Microsoft’s The acquisition of Activision Blizzard for 68.7 billion dollars affected many companies in the game industry, especially Sony, the manufacturer of PlayStation. SonyActivision’s iconic series of Call of Duty He said it was a “basic build” and influenced people’s decision to buy a console. But Microsoft doesn’t exactly think so.

Will new Call of Duty games be on PlayStation?

While Microsoft continues to expand the Xbox ecosystem, it does not want to get in the way of its competitors. If Sony Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion He said he was worried about being taken. He stated that the Call of Duty series should remain multi-platform for the game world.

Microsoft is trying to persuade competition regulators in various countries of the world to agree. He said that Activision Blizzard, the developer of productions such as Call of Duty, will not affect rival game companies or distributors.

Sony bids farewell to the feature that comes with PlayStation 5

Sony bids farewell to the feature that comes with PlayStation 5

Sony is removing the Praise feature, which it offered with the PlayStation 5, this year due to low interaction.

But Sony believes that Activision Blizzard’s move to the Xbox front will undermine competition. This deal may affect other game companies, stores and console manufacturers. In fact, according to Sony’s statement, Call of Duty is so popular that it affects users’ console choice.

Sony also pointed out that no other studio “can’t develop a game that users are so attached to”. “Even if another firm has the budget to develop a similar product, Can’t compete with Call of Duty” said.

Activision Blizzard has to offer games to PlayStation for a while due to its agreement with Sony. But after being sold to Microsoft A game exclusive to Xbox and PC studio expected to be. Still, the software giant has promised that Call of Duty will be multiplatform.

What do you think of the Call of Duty impasse for PlayStation? Don’t forget to share your views with us in the comments!

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