Why Kids Shouldn’t Be a ‘Content’ on Social Media

The commercial about the harm that can be caused by parents using their children as ‘content’ on social media, is like something straight out of Black Mirror.

Deutsche Telekom, a telecommunications company founded with the privatization of telephone services in Germany, has released a commercial in which people with children focus on an element that they should pay attention to when using the Internet.

In the advertisement film parents’ use of their children as ‘content’ damages are explained. The video has a setup that brings some scary facts to the face. So let’s warn before watching.

“Mom, dad: what you post online is a digital footprint that will follow me for the rest of my life”

In the video published by Deutsche Telekom, the parents of the 9-year-old girl Ella, who share their videos as content on the Internet, enter a cinema unaware of everything. Again, unbeknownst to them, a photograph of their daughter Ella, aging using artificial intelligence and his voice is adapted accordingly.

The parents, who take their place in the movie theater, make a tirade of their daughter Ella, raised by artificial intelligence. Photographs of himself in this tirade how easily it can be manipulated, cyberbullied, or even used in pornographic content Talking about.

Lastly, what Ella said in the video is really striking:

“What you share online is like a digital footprint that will follow me for the rest of my life. I’m telling you this because I know you love me and you would never do anything to hurt me. So please mom, please dad, protect my virtual privacy.”

What do you think about this ad? Is it ethically correct for children to be used as content by their parents? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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