Why is Wire Mesh Not Put in Front of Aircraft Engines?

Yes, airplanes are statistically the safest means of transportation in the world. but even if we know this, planes can not cease to be a nightmare for some of us. Worst scenarios that can happen before you even get on the plane come to your mind one by one and can make you nervous. Of course, even someone who is not afraid does not want to face such a negative scenario.

Because of such negative scenarios, the level of curiosity of the person increases and a desire to seek answers to questions that have not occurred to him before may occur. One of those negative scenarios will crash into the engine and prevent it from working. a flock of birds.

Maybe you have to think about this negative situation. will provide practical solutions Ideas have arrived. Placing protective wire mesh on aircraft engines is one of these ideas. It may sound like a logical idea in practice, but We cannot say the same when it comes to implementation.

Let’s first consider the precautions for bird strike.

Bird swarm-related accidents are usually the most risky of flights. take off and landing takes place on time. In order to prevent this situation from happening, there are places close to airports where birds can take shelter. slots are meticulously removed. There’s even a team for it. These units, which are assigned within the airport, carry out various applications to control the bird flocks and to keep them away.

Another thing that increases the probability of an accident is the migration period of birds.

During this migration period, which took place between July and October, the officials carried out extra work to prevent accidents. minimize they try to download.

Another precaution is taken when designing aircraft engines. Considering the possibility of bird strike one of the most important elements and accordingly engines are subjected to many tests by technicians. Thanks to such developments, the risks are minimized and not every bird strike turns into a situation that can damage the aircraft’s engine.

Now let’s come to our main question: Why is a wire mesh not placed in front of aircraft engines to prevent foreign objects?

Firstly; aircraft engine vacuum power If we take it into consideration, the bird or any object that will come in front of the engine reaches such a speed that the openings A wire mesh cannot stop them.

Another reason is that you can’t put anything solid in front of airplane engines because that’s to start the engines. prevents the necessary air flow. Air circulation normally when there is no obstacle in front of the engine maximum takes place at that level. in front of the engine 1mm Suppose we put an elastic, lightweight composite lattice of thickness:

As the air flow is disturbed, the air entering the engine becomes unbalanced. turbulence begins to create. While the efficiency of the engine decreases, it is necessary to spend more time on the destination and causes the aircraft to consume more fuel. In addition, composite material is also a very costly product. This style due to costs cage idea that can be put in front of aircraft engines something that no airline would want.

We have come to the end of another interesting article about aircraft. If you have more creative ideas to solve this problem instead of wireframe, we are waiting for you in the comments.

Source: Aviation for All, CBS News


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