Why Is The Apple Watch Made In Square Only?

Launched in 2015, the Apple Watch, like other Apple products, has its own unique features. One of the most striking of these is that its shape is square instead of round.

Since its launch both in appearance and functionality. The unique shape of the Apple Watch, which has become one of the favorites of consumers, is one of its most interesting features from the outside.

This feature not just a design. Moreover, many users wonder why. Here are the reasons behind the square shape of Apple watches…

It offers “uniqueness” by differentiating it from other watches on the market.

Apple on the Left / Samsung on the Right

There’s no denying that Apple is a trendsetter when it comes to design aesthetics. In addition to the classic lines, the Apple Watch stand out from the design of other products, It offers an aesthetic and modern look.

Rather than a smart watch, it has the features of a mini phone.

apple watch

Since Apple Watches have almost all the features found in iPhones, similar screen design quite important.

“Like other smartwatches, it can also be used by shrinking text and symbols.” You might be thinking, but this would leave unnecessary gaps as in the image above, while reducing functionality and creating an unaesthetic appearance. Moreover, it would also make it difficult to read a device with a small screen, such as a watch. Such an idea sensitive to design Obviously, Apple didn’t like it.

The square shape is more compatible with the wrist.

apple watch

The square dial, rather than the round watch face, fits the wrist better. As well as less movement and slippage The comfortable fit on the wrist offers comfort for the users.

It greatly increases the functionality of the small screen.

why apple watch

Design is very important to be able to display more information at the same time on a small screen and to access this information faster. With its square design, Apple Watch making more text appear on the screen It also makes notifications easier to read.

Moreover, for users to tap and swipe the screen It offers more surface area, making touch gestures much easier.

It provides convenience even for manufacturers.

Producing a round watch dial, It is much more costly and difficult than square. Round watches require more precise operations due to their shape.

Apple Watch, by producing less costly it creates a more affordable product for both itself and consumers. Of course, the affordable price of Apple watches in our country is just a dream for now.

huawei smart watch

Considering all these features, the idea of ​​a square-shaped smartwatch must have been on our minds. Apple’s is a trendsetter As we have said, different brands such as Huawei have started to produce square smart watches, as you can see in the image above.


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