Why Is Indian Street Food Unhygienic?

The Indian street food videos we watch on social media accompanied by funny comments make many people wonder, “How is it allowed to be sold like this?” brought the question. Although there is a street food culture in many countries, let’s face it, the Indian one is a bit strange. Okay but why?

Do you think the one who cooks with his feet or with his armpit… While cooking? using every part of their body Naturally, Indians were found strange by many people on social media. It’s natural that they find it strange, but why do you think they can still continue cooking like this?

Normally with spicy dishes The image of Indians, whom we know with their helpful and helpful people, has been seriously damaged lately because of these videos. “But why doesn’t the government take action to prevent this situation?” The question is still a matter of curiosity.

Cleanliness is not important for street vendors because even if they sell dirty, they still have many buyers at the end of the day.

Although the answer of many Indians to this question is strange to us, “Even if it’s dirty or clean, I’ll keep buying it, without thinking about how I am eating.” happened. In other words, it is not the case that they find their culture strange. On the contrary, they think the food is quite delicious.

Of course, this situation also benefits street vendors because, according to them, unnecessary cleaning costs They can avoid it. After all, if they prefer to sell instead of spending time cleaning every day more money they will win.

This situation cannot be prevented because the Indian government does not control street vendors.

What should be implemented against street vendors? any act or law It is not available. Sellers who see this as an opportunity, lack of control They carry out their work in the dirtiest way possible. In an already very crowded country, we are sure that no matter what you do, somewhere else is going to explode.

Although we cannot fully predict how useful it would be if there was an inspection, because according to 2022 data, India, most polluted countries in the world 7th among. No matter how clean they keep their mobile shops, bacteria can still be transmitted to food through the air.

Many street vendors do not have access to clean water.

Yes, you read it right; They don’t have access to water. That’s why they rub their hands on washcloths or clothes that are already dirty enough. Street vendors, who generally keep a small amount of water in a small container, sometimes sell this water – we write with disgust – They can get it from the toilets.

For example, in the video below, you can wash the dishes. in a dirty puddle You can see them washing it, how unhygienic isn’t it!

In addition to those who visit these places for pleasure, there are also those who visit because they are low-income.

People who can feed themselves here by paying much less than they would pay at an average restaurant, without caring about cleanliness can meet meal needs. Additionally, since unemployment rates are high, many street vendors are forced to do their own business.

But of course this situation hygiene conditions does not hinder their practices; After all, we are sure that the food sold to many people a day covers the cost of cleaning products quite a bit.

The results of the survey conducted by the National Street Vendors Association of India are not surprising.

in delhi On 139 street vendors According to a survey, 127 street vendors covered various parts of their bodies while cooking. they scratched He confessed. It turned out that none of them, except one person, were wearing aprons or using gloves while working. Many sellers do not know how to preserve meat, which naturally invites diseases.

So what we mean is; Maybe one day you can visit India street delicacies (!) If you want to taste it, it would be beneficial to do as much research as possible. “No, nothing will happen to me, my stomach is like a grinder.” If you do, don’t forget to pay attention to hygiene conditions and share your thoughts with us in the comments!


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