Why is Arabic written from right to left, unlike all languages?

There are many different languages ​​in the world and the way these languages ​​are used. Writing is standard left to right in most languages, with the exception of Hebrew and Arabic. So, why are Hebrew and Arabic, the languages ​​of the two scriptures, written and read from right to left? To answer this question, it is necessary to go back to the first days when writing was invented.

Since many Muslims live in our country, we are all familiar with the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an, and the language of this book, Arabic. It is very difficult for many of us to understand Arabic, except for those who were sent to Quran courses as children. The biggest reason for this is that it is not written in Latin letters and from left to right. Alright, Unlike many other languages, Arabic why is it written from right to left and read that way?

Another language we will ask why it is written from right to left is Hebrew, the language of the Torah. Hebrew and Arabic, thousands of years old are ancient languages. These languages ​​are very difficult to understand if you don’t have a special effort. Arabic and Hebrew There is no definite information about why it is written from right to left, but when we look through the dusty pages of history, we come across many different theories.

Are Arabic and Hebrew the only languages ​​written from right to left?

Since many countries use the Latin alphabet today, the texts are written from left to right. Chinese and Japanese in a way we don’t know why written from top to bottom. When we eliminate these options, the only languages ​​that are written from right to left are among the languages ​​that are still used today. Arabic and Hebrew seen as. However, these are not the only examples in history.

When we return to the first years of the invention of writing, we encounter the origin of Arabic and Hebrew. Egyptian hieroglyphs appear along with Semitic languages. We see that most of the ancient languages ​​that appeared in the first years of writing were written from right to left. It is possible to encounter versions of Egyptian hieroglyphs written from right to left.

Arabic and Hebrew languages ​​are also Considering that it comes from deep-rooted Semitic languages It makes sense that they continue the same tradition and are written from right to left. However, it is not possible to understand why these languages, which are still used thousands of years later, are still written from right to left. There are some theories put forward by linguists and historians as a result of their studies on this subject.

Why are Arabic and Hebrew written from right to left?


For the first theory put forward in response to the question of why Arabic and Hebrew are written from right to left, we must go back to the early years of writing and imagine. No paper, no pen. Clay tablet in front of you, chisel in right hand, hammer in left. Visualize the grip angle, as most people are right-handed. Isn’t it much easier to write from right to left?

Another theory comes from the era of ink and paper. At that time, papers were used not as a notebook, but by folding them in rolls. When typing with the right hand of a right-handed writer unrolling the roll with his left hand And imagine trying to hold it steady. Of course, in this case it will be much easier to write from right to left.

A different theory claims that the way you sit affects the way you write. In Mesopotamian societies it is more common to sit on the floor rather than a table and chair. that you are sitting on the ground, Imagine that you take the paper in front of you and dip the inkwell into the ink and write. Again, it will be much easier to write from right to left in this sitting position.

These are the theories put forward in response to the question of why Arabic and Hebrew languages ​​are written from right to left, even though their authenticity is still open to debate. Sitting and writing styles described here evaluate it not in today’s conditions, but in the conditions of societies that lived thousands of years ago. You can even try it at home.

Why are other languages ​​written from left to right?


Like the answer to the question of why Arabic and Hebrew are written from right to left. Other languages ​​using the Latin script There is no clear answer to the question why it is written from left to right. However, there are some theories on this subject as well. These theories date back to the Roman Empire, where the Latin alphabet was invented.

According to one theory, both tables and chairs were more common at the time of the use of the Latin alphabet. It was common to write in ink. For this reason, the scribes, who used ink and ink instead of hammer and chisel, began to write from left to right so that their hands would not stain the paper before the ink dried. Considering that the inks did not dry as fast as today, at that time, we see that there is a high probability of scattering all the writings as a result of rubbing the hand on the paper while writing from right to left.

Another theory is that the aristocracy is the reason why Latin letters are written from left to right. in the Roman Empire Collective writing was given to slaves. They were asked to write from left to right, and as this writing was seen more frequently among the people, it became widespread in this way. It seems like a possible theory when we think about the Roman period.

According to a different theory put forward on this subject, writing from right to left was the work of left-handers and Being left-handed was considered a disgrace in western society until almost the 20th century. Not wanting to write from right to left and be labeled left-handed, the scribes decided to write from left to right and announce to everyone that they were right-handed. Although coercion may seem like a theory, it does not seem impossible when we remember that until recently, children were obliged to write with their right hand in schools.

Why are Arabic and Hebrew written from right to left, which theory makes more sense?


Considering that the roots of Arabic and Hebrew, one of the most rooted and richest languages ​​in use today, go back to the days when writing was first invented. being written from right to left due to the use of chisels and hammers The theory seems much more plausible. Societies that have seen and learned that writing was written in this way may have kept their habits in this way even if the period has changed.

The biggest evidence to support this theory is Languages ​​that are not used today in Mesopotamia This is because there are examples written from right to left. Although the alphabets that were used and are being used in different geographies have different stories, it is not possible to examine any cultural element, especially the language developed in Mesopotamia, the place where civilization was first born, on its own and apart from history.

Unlike many languages ​​used in the world, Why are Arabic and Hebrew written from right to left? We answered the question and shared some interesting details about the history of the article. You can share your thoughts on the subject in the comments.

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