Why EU funds are not enough to slow down Orban and Kaczynski

Victor Orban

On April 3, Hungarians will elect a new parliament.

(Photo: AP)

Whoever wants to become a member of the EU must respect democracy and the rule of law. Anyone who is already a member of the EU has an alarming amount of leeway to erode democratic legal principles. In fact, the previous protection mechanisms are far too slow. Poland, Hungary and some other countries would rather not be admitted to the EU in their current state.

A ruling by the European Court of Justice has now cleared the way for rule-of-law procedures that the EU can use to withhold its money. In this way, it can slow down at least the worst violations in the Member States. She doesn’t have to use her money to finance every government, no matter how authoritarian.

That’s good news. Poland is showing that financial pressure does have an effect: important parts of the much-criticised judicial reform are to be withdrawn because otherwise Warsaw would not have access to the money from the Corona reconstruction fund. In the future, governments will have to fear that they will get nothing out of the EU coffers if they dismantle their rule of law.

In the long run, however, a democracy cannot be saved in this way. The EU may be able to curb authoritarianism, but it can hardly eliminate it. Only the voters can do that.

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The Hungarians will decide in early April whether they are willing to do this when they elect a new parliament. The exit is completely open. According to European authorities, the Hungarian government is not only corrupt, it also controls the country’s media to such an extent that it is difficult for Hungarians to obtain independent information. Any measure taken by Brussels can therefore be reinterpreted as illegitimate, if not illegal, interference in Hungary’s sovereignty. The opposition has major disadvantages in the election campaign.

Despite this, the Commission – at the behest of the Member States – took its time to implement the rule of law mechanism. MEPs have become furious at the Commission’s inaction and the simultaneous reforms in Hungary and Poland.

If the Commission finally starts proceedings against Hungary now, it will be too late to be completed before the elections. But it can still have an effect when you say to Hungarians quite officially: “Self-service at the top of your state is not normal, you can do without it.”

More on this: EU may cut funds – What is now coming to Poland and Hungary.

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