Why Don’t We Have Innate Swimming Ability?

Most animals have an improvised ability to swim in water when they are born, but humans lack this feature. We’ve all seen that dogs can swim when they get into water. How does an animal that has never stepped into water in its life begin to swim like a swimmer for years?

Even when we are over our infancy, if we do not know how to swim, we cannot perform such an action and naturally we drown. So how is this situation unique to us humans? To understand this, we must consider several factors.

Swimming, which is generally considered an innate ability among animalsWhile this is an almost instinctive behavior for many species, it takes a process for humans to acquire this skill. “But this is unfair!” Before you think, let’s take a look at the reasons.

The human innate swimming reflex is not as pronounced as it is in animals.

People often do not have adequate muscle control and coordination during birth. Swimming requires a complex interaction between muscles and nervous systems; This interaction is not fully developed when they are born. during birth People’s motor skills and muscle control are also very limited.

This situation; babies when they are born from their neuromuscular (muscle and nervous) systems that are not fully developed is caused by. The human body is not born with the capabilities that require the muscles and nervous system to work in complex collaboration. This is related to the lack of motor skills necessary to perform coordinated movements such as swimming.

In addition, a swimming animal in the same position as walking on land You will see that it is. Since humans and monkeys have an upright posture, they need to take different positions for swimming, and they need to learn and develop this over time.

Swimming is a complex action that requires synchronized use of different muscle groups of the body.

To move through water control of body position, a number of factors such as harmonious use of arms and legs, breathing processes; These are the elements that make up the swimming skill. However, a newborn baby does not have the ability to immediately perform such complex muscle control and coordination.

Development of the neuromuscular systemIt increases as babies get older and gain experience. In the first months, babies usually have only reflexive responses, but over time, muscle tone increases, coordination improves, and they begin to learn complex motor skills.

Swimming ability is also generally develops in this process. Water activities organized by parents can help children learn this skill, but usually this process goes along with their natural development.

Secondly, reflexes do not allow people to breathe underwater for long periods of time.

This reflex It is naturally found in many animals that enter water However, when we enter water, we cannot breathe. One of the factors that limits humans’ ability to naturally breathe underwater is the complex interaction between swimming reflexes and respiratory systems. At birth, we are equipped with a set of reflexes that prevent us from breathing in water.

Many animals that enter water have a natural breath-holding reflex. However, this reflex in humans is not developed enough to support breathing underwater for long periods of time. People automatically hold their breath when they enter water, but unfortunately this reflex is not sufficient for long-term underwater activities.

Human evolution has largely adapted to terrestrial life, and this adaptation process has involved moving away from habitats with water.

These adaptations allow humans to stay away from aquatic habitats and thus affected the reduced need for innate aquatic skills. An important turning point in human evolution is associated with the transition from aquatic habitats to terrestrial life.

Homo erectus species, moved away from aquatic habitats and generally lived on land. This transition; It has required more efficient movement on land for hunting, foraging, and other activities.

For these reasons, almost While all animals are natural swimmers People acquire this ability later. I wish we could innately know how to swim reflexively like all other animals, but that’s okay!


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